Comments on the Boglera Chilensis. Dear
: Reading some bloggers from different pages of the "20/20", I called attention to the main concept release.
In 'a good project for the poor', this, as well as discriminatory, inadequate and biased, given that education in the abstract, is poor in society and covers the entire educational spectrum-conventional training due to pauperism program.
effects result in reading disability, inability to abstract mathematical calculations or to interpret a geometrical theorem, to compression the causes and origins of social facts temporary and the impact of them on the current and future society.
In view of projects and educational programs are delivered to small and repetitive, irrelevant content, which is "very important figures highlight homelands, which are themselves respectable, but its iteration translated into cuts and compositions, are dense heinous
By spending time on activities such as these, diverting efforts in the development of reading ability, which is equivalent to decoding of signs, resulting in a low reading comprehension to be dragged into the workforce of college graduates . Among others, the elements affecting this development, the guidelines are made by the Heads of UTP, the lack of modern techniques in the teaching of literacy and the influence of the TV with its meta-messages and alienating.
Students from small, not calculated, because they know the basic concept of number.
But that they are effects, are causal, one of them is the proliferation of 'universities 400 points', places and little development slate, with libraries incomplete at best, in addition to the investigative process is not considered, because is easier and profitable for the new universities, owner clients as soon as possible.
I return to the first sentence then, the project 20-20, should not be designed for the poor, but for the general education system, namely: How and why are teachers, especially Básica.Cuáles are the contents and educational technologies relevant to the training of teachers, what are the methods of classroom assessment, which is very different scales of notes that apply. What is the purpose
national and regional educativoDe look how it keeps track of the individual teacher development and multiplier effects of their poor preparation. Finally
now, you should negotiate with the government or (as a political system) from here to the 'year 20', what are the processes, procedures, partial and final results of both the MOE educational projects, like schools and the impact of them in university education, on the way to correct errors certainly be committed. That good discussion
just saw on television that leads this movement caught my attention the project. You are quite right in commenting on all but this has a much more substantive issue.
As food is such that you know too much influence in shaping a person's brain, and that is not under discussion, a family that gets a base salary does not buy as much nutritious, but which fill more and is cheaper in the Allende government was delivered fresh milk in the clinics (some households sell food). Moreover alcoholism, pregnant ay a large percentage of children with learning deficits caused by the alcoholism of his mother in many cases less resources I then go with the environment, I agree with what you are saying that the gives them very poor and the middle class is vulnerable because we are so charged and recharged, economic problems and shortcomings of each and also that many young people are in the corners of its people day and night doing nothing, and prefer to steal where earn much more than hard work and sacrifice other about the maldistribution of income, but do not demand an unreasonable salary for someone with no training but a living wage.
I know of a youth from a population completely marginal in design is the first to graduate since the opening race UdeC geography in other words an excellent student and is a poor person completely, we can not deny oportunidad.Debemos give way to natural selection and I think the university should return to finally be free or accessible to all, reasonable but today education is a murky business, where the politicians are masters of colleges and universities (Joaquin Lavin-udi ) that talk that the benefit laws those who do not know but will give them profits has approved the desirability of a shadow that they can fill their pockets. do not know. For the young man said in the beginning of this forum that studying and working and hopefully get to sacrifice your career because you deserve it all very good input and good this project 20/20 and hopefully will be a contribution and change the pattern and chip which we operate or may not an ignorant people
But all I can say to finish is that aside from all these social reforms we need social consciousness of a society where everyone is important and people stop pursuing what it is to steal facial to change that mentality because all they do is social segregation exists even greater need for greater cultural education and as I said, awareness by both sides that workers are the ones to thank for giving them work, but without them, the rich would also be poor because they do not have rats much production. In order to read this thank you very much. Rodrigo
has responded to the publication of John On October 14, 2008 at 6:51 am
Dear Juan Alberto
For starters grateful for the review. Had decided not to follow this pimpòneo, but I think it is relevant answer you, being so respectful of my opiniones.Personalmente took over 5 years researching the topic of education, and when he brought up the subject of education 20/20, left me disappointed in the proposals.
First, as is said (and so good to be recognized) is something that sack while ICA is not new. Solutions must be leaving for new and innovative solutions and do not copy more of the same.
Second, you want Waissbluth (and it is also being recognized) is not to propose innovative ideas, but to manage a "Clash" with politicians, such as the "Penguin Revolution." But as always the second parts are not good, then it is not. This is because after the Penguins politicians understood that they have control over the timing and decision makers. Of made of the 16 proposals, 15 depend on whether or not politicians, and if they still have not agreed to see the issue of digital TV, something rather simple and which has been 3 years, imagine this .. . can be easily slept 5 or 10 years.
Third, citizens expect Waissbluth generate pressure and the final out as the "Longueira" of education, to generate a political settlement. Starting our character is similar to Argentina (they are action-reaction), the Chilean rather submissive and let it trample (In fact, a political analyst told me that he would never have happened a Transantiago in Argentina, for example). It is difficult to generate real awareness of what is happening and that people will join ... because in the end the Chilean is very "big mouth" .. many of the 22,000 signatories who have been educated 20/20, would be willing to support some form of pressure? .. Hopefully 100 ... and I think that is very lucky ... others are going on pure moral support and "greetings, wish you well." Fourth. I think people do not understand the problem of education, reflective thinking has not been analyzed or across villages heavily involved in education. We can not ask people to support if it is truly informed. What we are trying to do is use Web 2.0 to generate a "snowball" just that. But if we look at history, we know that that will lead to a "burbuja.com" things done without substance which lose millions and millions of dólaresQuinto. If we analyze the 20/20 education proposal in a thoughtful, is falling in many ripiso ('s a long comment) does not solve the problem of education in its foundation, because education is not only the substance but average academic, technical, civic, cultural, etc. In fact it does not attack the core of education, family, just something between teachers, schools and students (basic education), which represents 15% to 20% of the school system. Sixth
. Worst of all is that the problem not to be integrated with other learning platforms, not solve the problem of education, but create a double or triple the worst in ten years from now, when all these kids want to go to college (yes, Mr. .. children grow and become young adults). In fact with the approach of Education 20/20, higher education is threatened, destroys the university system, minimizes the technical education system, increases double or triple the number of unemployed illustrated and thus increases inequality (and not decreases ) Seventh. And all this, Now add the cost of education 20/20 is 3 times the current Transantiago. And do not say how the money is spent, there is no management program, responsibilities no less agreements. Or is it a blank check for Transantiago 2. I do not want to see a Transeducacion.Octavo future. And finally, Education 20/20 unresponsive to What? and For What? in education, is only responding to part of the Como What is here is to fix the whole educational structure, as we have a rigid structure ... toddler, ed.basica, ed. media, university .. if you have $ $ $ to go to college, even if you're smart you get paid with 4 º medio ... THIS IS OUR EDUCATIONAL AND OUR GREAT BARRIER PROBLEM. So the solution is not to fix basic education, but by bringing new academic structures, because we did not take much to enhance the student if it gives a good psu, but can not afford college .. and stay there, like a goat that is not the crest bag, with only 4 Average number surrendered.
Final question. Mario Waissbluth Is willing to answer if it is not or just throw the stone and hides??
Juan Alberto, I appreciate the invitation, but if I'm going to unite to improve education, my interest is to do a serious, genuine and innovative ... and I mean no one, for being "cool." Many already are changing the system over other proposals. Also I have already communicated with Alexis Aguirre for4ma to see what we can collaborate in education conjunto.La not fix with "proposals" to generate pressure on politicians, because they fall into your game. Improve education with innovative proposals and look ahead of Chile. SaludosRodrigo
War. Project Country
The great failure of 20/20 is to put education so arrogant that if quality education is delivered in school, is a calamity and that way we will have a bad society.
Javier, improve education, give him millions and millions of dollars to schools generate exceptional students ... .. AND AFTER ?????..
HAPPENS WHEN to get into college?? You live the "Simpson Syndrome" ... have been set in the series "The Simpsons "???.. been 18 years and still 10 years Bart, Lisa 8 Maggie 1 year .... and Gentlemen ... children grow up ... not remain CHILDREN FOREVER !!!!... And those children who are now 8 years, in 10 years will 18 years and want to go to college ... but 70 or 80% of Chile's population does not even have a chance of doing so ... THERE ... THERE LIES LIES OPEN CREATE OPPORTUNITIES EQUITY IN EDUCATION!!
I also ... the "inflated" with this proposal, go to take the family as primary educator essence ... You say "nothing we will get from broken families and encourage laziness and lack of discipline of our Children and Youth "And we agree 100%, so rather than enhance the schools, we must strengthen the family culture .... And that's not likely in schools ... simple enough studies ... only 30% Chilean agents of this got into the college of their children and worries learn as they go. And only 5% of the schools are open to the community.
why we did not take much to generate megacolegios, if these are "walls" and not include in its program, the family and the community in general. Question ....
delivery education school or family? Because according to Education 20/20, delivering education school, and the family has little to contribute in this. And if society is so then this 'legs pa' ribas. " To improve education
before megacolegios, it is necessary to improve family and community and this can be done with simple projects with simple social-educational guidelines and that cost is 20 times smaller than the proposed Education 20/20 ($ 600 million versus U.S. $ 12,000 million it costs to Education 20/20) Rodrigo Guerra
Project Country
JavierAgradecido for your opinion, even if we have to make some clarifications. Personally I do not think there's no turning back. What you say is what it says in essence the draft Education 2020 ... this generation is lost, then fix that newly born and not yet born.
I also thought that with that later generations are lost, because when they grow up will interact with past generations. Therefore we must try to improve both generations.
True, there have been hundreds of initiatives community, the big problem is not within a public policy, as happens in Sweden (with Folkhogkolors) or Finland, or Ireland. Community initiatives are facilitated by people with a love for the art 'management more than true, no support from the state or employers and I think there fail. If there is a public policy regarding community management, and do not speak of what I said but simply left to work in public projects, the stories would be another.
With respect to universities, what you say is according to entry to study for a degree, but not to be professional. Note that each year 240,000 people postulate (PSU) fall 80,000 to universities, on 1 year removed 30,000, the 3 rd year and another 25,000 at the end there are only 28,000 graduates, or 10% of the income of a promotion. What happens is that technocrats dizzying to the figures. Lagos actually boasted that there were 600,000 students in higher education, of which 550,000 could not read or write. If we look at hard numbers, the only thing that has grown are the universities which grew from 130,000 (1987) to more than 470,000 students (2007), while the CFT decreased from 72,000 (1987) to 64,000 (2007). This shows you that higher education is just entering a business where those who can afford $ $ $ or willing to borrow. In fact according to the MOE, 2006, 95% of the students had problems for at least pay a monthly fee. So the issue is not getting into college (CULQUIERA CAN DO NOW, to a poor person can register at the U of the Americas for example), the issue is to stay there and become a professional graduate. If you see for example the 2002 census, only 16% of Chileans with higher education, compared with 60% or 70% presented by developed countries. This is because in Sweden, Ireland, Finland and even USA, understand that higher education is more than the university and open educational alternatives beyond secondary education, such as higher Academies, workplaces and even Modular education citizenship education, creating educational platforms in higher education and getting a lot of citizens to access higher education.
on income per capita, there also dizzying technocrats. According to them this year is $ 12,000, and some will rise to $ 15,000 annually. But the truth is that the average Chilean income of $ 5,800 per capita and low income sectors is $ 3,600 annually. The difference pointed out by economists refer to two things ... .. First they talk about the CPI Fixed or purchasing power parity, which is not how much we won, but as we go into debt, and is close to $ 12,000 annually, and because dispersion also taken as the PPC of the upper class, which is 10% of Chilean households and has an annual income of $ 66,000 .... I mean the standard is very important correction.
Personally I think it is feasible to change education in Chile in a period of 5 years, but that rather than presenting ideas to "entertain" some instances, institutions or officers, have to present ideas to attack the root of the problem of education in Chile and that is the dismal educational structure we have. That's because our structure is very rigid and is made up of ed. basic ed. average college ... while in developed countries this ed. Primary ed. secondary, college / academy upper / workplace / community education (no freedom of decision and to consider a lifetime)
I invite you to see an interesting project that some people are carrying out http://pais-joven.blogspot. com/2008/04/proyecto-cis.html Greetings and are in contact. Rodrigo Guerra
Country Project.
was generated a movement (Education 20-20) on the Internet, which has been celebrated and replicated in almost all the media and even in areas of government, led by engineer Mr Waissbluth.
Without wishing to detract from the initiative, and that says everything there is served, and opposed to the meager results of the PSU in public education-in which almost 90% of its students on average were out of the question of access to traditional university, we must question the scientific and academic legitimacy of this " movement that rises stealthily as an alternative response to the legitimate demands of middle school students who see their future is increasingly uncertain.
Regarding this model 20-20, which seeks to equalize the levels of the poorest students with wealthier student population, we want to make clear that this proposal, which has nothing to be educational, but is only an economic proposal, left out of resources to the impoverished country's middle class and probably does not only create a new educational gap in the case which has come to work but what is sure to generate an additional factor unaa new division among Chileans .
Education is not only what is received in schools. It is also, and most important, a product of what is received in homes. The pint of milk noted in the right direction. Deliver the food base and protein necessary for the intellectual development of children from the poorest do not suffer an impairment in their organic potential. But what resources we can deliver hundreds of thousands of children who are homeless? How many schools, homes are in Chile for them? How many social workers do their field work there? How many poor children have a kindergarten for early development? Demagoguery speech
surprises and attracts the electoral and media celebrity of our poor country that clings to anything as if it represented a huge lifeline hanging from a reasonable or seemingly cabalistic number: 20-20.
What if we think of a better number? "80-0? (80% for the poor in public education and nothing for those who can afford a private school?
we include in these resources sufficient to kill pests termites, mice, spiders, cost and other vermin who stroll through soup kitchens and classrooms of public education?
Do you offer decent wages to teachers and a serious program of teacher training?
Enough of media solutions and short term. Our plan is a proposal 80-0 long-term, planned and with a central objective that no one asks: What is the city we want?
enough to deliver media resources to secondary schools at the expense of the vast majority of locations where even exited stages of learning board of mathematics. To say nothing of microscopes, telescopes, flasks, clocks, dynamometers and other devices to hover our children to study science and environmental care. Opinion
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