Thursday, December 16, 2010

Castle Blue And Yellow Rooms

Business Plan - Outline /

Whether the company is running or not, every business plan has a source and part of a motivation personal or group. Thus, the document describing the idea of business must incorporate a bit of history: how the idea, since when there is, what motivated its creation, and the most important facts have elapsed during development and EvoLucid ion.

For a going

When the business plan is done for a company that is already running, the first chapter
business plan is the description of the company. In this case, the description of the company must include brief information on each of the paragraphs shown below:
  • Company History: This paragraph seeks to answer the following questions: when the company was founded? Who founded it? What was the reason or reasons for found it? What was the turn of the company and how it has evolved to date? what products sell and to whom?
  • Industry Analysis: Here, we will seek to know: how is the sector or industry you are working entrepreneur? "The industry is growing, maturing or is decline? What economic variables, social, technological, political or legal, local, regional, national or global industry may influence positively or negatively?
  • Products and services offered: This part reindican products and services the company offers today. Must submit: what are the attributes and distinctive features of these products or services and how you keep it in time? What are the processes needed to achieve the objectives business? Are all processes are performed by workers the company? What are outsourcing?
  • Economic and financial information: case of a going concern is necessary to present the financial statements of the last two or three years, to publicize the economic and financial situation of the company in terms of liquidity, profitability, solvency and financial management.
  • business and management team: For a potential investor is essential to know who would be their "partners" to assess their skills, experiences, skills management and personal values. In general, this section will answer the following questions : Who are the shareholders of the companies (ability, experience, knowledge, attitudes, skills, networking and values)? What percentage of the total shares of each of the shareholders? What are the key business positions and what are the strategies used to attract the best talent for these positions? do you work in a team? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each team member , and business and management team as a whole?
For a new business initiative
When the business plan is developed to evaluate the possibility of a new company, it begins with the formulation of the business idea. The business idea arises generally as a result of two processes of innovation that start differently. One of them, beginning with an analysis of the environment, while the other is begins with an analysis of the strengths of entrepreneurial team members.
In the first case, the employer collects, synthesizes and analyzes information from the environment, with the desire to identify an opportunity that allows you to develop a new business. often begin their analysis with the study of a sector of the industry is clearly growing or where you can see a business opportunity in the short term.
Here are some sources of information to identify business ideas.
In this case, the employer begins its analysis by examining what happens in the environment, in order to identify unmet need. Identified the need, the employer uses its ability to innovate and create to make unmet need in a market opportunity. This process is presented in the following figure.
A third option, the entrepreneur or the team empresarialcomienza to analyze your strengths and weaknesses, what their assets or resources and in terms of raising them is a business that allows you to obtain a return on their investment, based on some personal advantage, business or circumstantial, against its closest competitors.
In short, the business model tends to answer the following questions:
  • Who the customer is and what is their profile?
  • What products, services or processes will meet their needs?
  • How to achieve profits in the company?
Certainly, these three questions will be answered as far to develop the business plan , but must be clearly presented in the executive summary and the business idea.
Only when you have made precisely the business model, you can present and sell
clearly a business plan to potential investors.
To identify or detect an opportunity market that allows a company generates, you should be prepared. To do this:
  • Watch what happens around you to discover opportunities.
  • Be optimistic, creative and innovative approach to turn a problem into a business opportunity.
  • Be ready, ie has the human, intellectual, physical and social allowed to take the opportunity and achieve business success.

Past SRL. was created in 1991 to give appropriate legal framework to the joint work already carried out its partners, RR and AA, for more than 20 years in the market for dry pasta. Initially, we have the facilities that worked the previous society (in fact), and customers were growing as they spread the benefits products and the responsibility for compliance of commitments .
In 2000, he joined a new socio-BR-who made a contribution of capital , contacts and extensive experience in business within the country and in Brazil allowed us to know in detail the development of this activity in this market. Information partners are in 5.2 .

Common Errors
  • include too much detailed information about your business.
  • provide information that could be considered as "personal opinion".
  • Appear as if he had no history or track record. Leave
  • out important business and legal specifications. Write
  • chapter in a disorganized or confusing.
  • Explain what your business is
  • explain by whom and with whom.
  • Explain how.
  • Explain where it is
  • Explain when it is
Source: - Business Plan
tool to assess the viability of a business
Author: Karen Weinberger VillarĂ¡n
- Manual For A Business Plan For Lazaro Droznes


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