Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Meny Womens Shaves

Business Plan - Outline /

The strategic plan of a company begins with a list of variables that could represent the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) for her. Whether for a going concern or a new business initiative, begins with a list of opportunities and threats that were identified in the environmental analysis and industry analysis, through study or market survey.
When it comes to a going concern, it is necessary to show what their resources, their capabilities and core competencies to be used to create a competitive position in the market because, making use of these items companies make best activities competitors differentiate themselves, create greater value for their customers. Through this analysis of the components of an organization, the employer may decide what are the strengths and weaknesses inside the company, which will help you seize the opportunities and fight against environmental threats.
But when it comes to a new business how do you assess the strengths and weaknesses and relation to development opportunities and control of threats? If the company does not is, how We can evaluate an organization's internal factors exist? In this case, internal evaluation is based on the analysis of the skills, knowledge and resources founding entrepreneurial team. Therefore, there will be an assessment of a company but a team of people.
Vision and Mission "project"
mission statements and vision characterized not only their business plan but also your company. Inform the reader what your business represents, their beliefs and trying to achieve.
Vision: Made
SWOT analysis, the next step is to determine the company's vision in a practical way, the vision is the dream we aspire to, an ambitious goal to which you want to go in the future. It is very important that the vision is shared by all members of the organization. Example
For an exporter of Paprika the U.S. market, his vision might be:
"Being the largest exporter of fruits and vegetables of Peru", or
"Being an exporter of vegetables highest quality in Peru " or
"Being the largest exporter in the world Paprika"
The mission of a company shows why the organization and what to do, is its raison d'etre. To define it must answer the following questions:
  • About us
  • What We Do
  • Who we do it?
  • How do we do?
  • Where do we do?
  • Why do we do?
  • What do we believe?
exporting company for Paprika, the mission could be:
"We are an agribusiness company Ica Valley, dedicated to the production and marketing of vegetables and vegetables for the U.S. market. Our clients are large international wholesalers, mainly from United States looking to have a timely supply of quality that complies with the certification of organic products. We have a team of workers committed to the values \u200b\u200bof the organization and identified with the philosophy of quality. provide welfare for our workers, their families and the families of the valley of Ica that indirectly are linked to the company. "
should take note:
  • Any public or private organization, for a fee or for free, where no mission is like a ship adrift.
  • The mission should be geared to consumers or to beneficiaries or users (customers).
  • The mission must be known and carried out daily by all members of the organization, and must be known in the community.

Strategic Objectives There is no consensus as to which areas in which competitive firms should set their strategic goals. However, it is known that all strategic goal must meet three conditions:

  1. set for the entire organization.
  2. permanent settlement.
  3. Set in quantitative terms as far as possible.
For example, a company that offers adventure travel for national and foreign tourists, may have strategic objectives:
a) Positioning in the next five years as the best adventure travel company Colca Canyon, the quality of their services.
b) Have qualified personnel Colca Valley, for the optimal development of business activities.
c) Get a 18% net annual return over the next 5 years.
d) Have partnerships with three hotels in the Colca Valley for the next five years.
In this case, the strategic objectives are often expressed in quantitative terms,
are generally long term and permanent nature.

Another aspect that is essential as part of strategic planning of a project or a going concern is the definition of called "Critical Success Factors."
These factors can be many and varied depending on the rotation of the company or industry, but are about ten who "send the royalties"
  • sales
  • average cost of inputs
  • human
  • penetration
  • customer retention rate
  • production error rate
  • staff productivity
  • delivery
  • number of returns
  • logistics
Each of these critical factors also must be evaluated continuously with a accurate indicator. For Sales for example, is obviously the number of units sold per period.

Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT).
Also known as SWOT or SWOT. Is a strategic tool used to determine the present situation of a company. It is a tool used to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a company and determine its competitive position against competitors. Its main function is to detect and analyze external variables that could affect the organization as well as internal resources and capabilities with which the organization has and then design appropriate strategies to achieve the objectives.

External Factors
  • Opportunities: Business opportunities are external factors that benefit or benefit to thecompany. To this end, these opportunities must first be correctly identified. Make a list of all the positive factors are presented and then arrange them in order of importance. Keep them there to use them.
  • Threats: Threats are situations occur that affect the development of the project. The threats are of a different nature: legal, tax, sectoral policy, accidental disasters and other situations that can significantly affect the project. Identify threats and if it is possible to eliminate at least Esquivel.
Internal Factors
  • Strengths: What we need to enhance and maximize. Therefore, we must make a list of all the positive factors that depend on our performance.
  • Weaknesses: The weaknesses are internal factors (that depend on us and our performance) and affecting the development of our project. What to do with them? Then, delete them. Identify the weaknesses of your company and make a plan and take steps to eliminate them. Some measures that can help eliminate the weaknesses include training, strategic alliances, cooperation agreements, among other measures.
Business Strategy
strategies relate to the way organizations achieve their objectives. In this effect, strategies respond to the question: How can I act to achieve the objectives and how I will respond to competition?
The MSEs, ie companies with a business unit, have only four options to enter a market or stay on it. These are:
cost leadership strategy: usually applies when the employer wants to capture a large market share and it does not show the differentiation. In this case, the average price of the product tends to be below the industry average price, sufficient quality for that market. Such companies are very focused on analysis and cost control, as the work efficiency is a key feature for success. The cost leadership strategy, it is often effective when:
  • The market is composed of many price-sensitive buyers, there is little chance of achieving the differences between products.
  • Buyers do not appreciate the differences between the two marks.
  • When there is a lot of buyers with significant bargaining power.
Strategy differentiation: are in a constant struggle to maintain the characteristics or attributes that show their difference. Companies that opt \u200b\u200bfor this model should continue to be efficient, but also constantly seek to differentiate themselves, so they must have a good marketing budget, to disclose to customers the unique features that make your product or service. The company is focused on providing a product or service with distinctive characteristics and attributes that are valued by the customer and therefore are willing to pay a price above the market average.
In this case, the company "focuses" only on a portion or market segment that has been clearly defined. This may be because the employer is interested NO cover a large proportion of the market nor be known to many potential clients or their resources, capabilities and core competencies can not reach a significant market share. This strategy of approach in turn has two options: Focus on costs and focus on differentiation.
cost focus strategy: cost focus strategy is when the objective is oriented only to specific segments of the company's strength lies in its ability to control costs with high standards efficiency.

differentiation focus strategy: When the objective is geared only to specific segments of the company's strength lies in its ability to differentiate the product or service and presenting it as unique.

In general, when it comes to a new company, with a single business unit, the main objective is to enter the market and through one of the four strategies presented above, to compete in search a position in the industry.
However, if the company is already underway, or has some time on the market, the entrepreneur has the possibility of making the company grows, expands, shrinks or disappears. At that time, the employer should analyze the environment, the capabilities of the company and will have to define what is best for the organization. Then, strategic analysis is not to define competitive strategy is used, but to determine a competitive stance. The three competitive bids for companies that are running and looking to grow or expand their operations tend to be:

  • integration strategies.
  • intensive strategies.
  • diversification strategies.
Although the employer of the MSE is not the need to choose one of these strategies, it is important to know them, because they will help you have a vision of your company.

Source providing competitive advantage
Competitive advantage is what a company owns and which serves to create value for its customers, being very expensive, rare and difficult to imitate part of current or potential competitors.
The chances of business success will be greater, to the extent that the employer is able to:

  • Make a proper analysis of the environment and its capabilities.
  • propose a realistic and positive future of the company.
  • Establishing a mission that meets the needs of all customers of the organization (shareholders, consumers, workers and society in general).
  • propose realistic goals, achievable and motivating.
  • Identify the most appropriate strategy to compete successfully in the market.
  • build competitive advantage.
- Business Plan
tool to assess the viability of a business
Karen Weinberger VillarĂ¡n
- Manual for Business Plan Guide
work based on models, templates and check lists
Lazaro Droznes
- A Guide for Managers SMEs to develop a Business Plan
bank of Argentina
- Course: Business Plans
Business Training Center


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