Chinese design
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Wheezy Baby5 Months Old
The Bauhaus, told through six of its leading figures
In the picture, the building Walter Gropius designed in 1926 in the city of Dessau (East Germany) and synonymous with the Bauhaus architecture. EFE / File
More than three quarters of a century after its dissolution, the Bauhaus school of design , art and architecture founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius , continues to fascinate, as evidenced by numerous books have been devoted and to which is added the titled 'The Bauhaus Group', by Nicholas Fox Weber.
Many of the creations of that school, from the famous Barcelona chair by Mies van der Rohe to Marcel Breuer furniture or lamps Marianne Brandt , as now adorn both offices and private homes.
Webber Fox's book focuses, as the subtitle 'Six Masters of Modernism "(Yale University Press), in the biographies of six of its members: those architects Gropius and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe , painters Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky and Josef Albers and the latter's wife, Anni Albers , known for his design of textiles.
As director he was for thirty-four years Albers Foundation, the U.S., the author has taken plenty of first-hand witness accounts of that movement, which coincided in time with the troubled Weimar Republic (1919-1933). Weber
met in the early seventies to Albers, the last two survivors of the Bauhaus, where, working in the small print of his family in Hartford, Connecticut, worked with Annie in a limited edition of prints , and they became an important source of information for the author.
The first biography is the founder of the Bauhaus, Gropius, and the author does not lose the opportunity of examining which would become his first wife, the famous Alma Mahler. Gropius
met her in 1910 during a cure at a spa when Alma had eight years married to the composer Gustav Mahler , who cheat on the architect, as we do with it after meeting the painter Oskar Kokoschka, who left turn, went mad to the point of creating a doll-size and its resemblance to finish seducing and marrying the poet and novelist Franz Werfel.
A personality very different from that of Gropius is Paul Klee, an artist who's founder and other members of the group as the painters Lyonel Feininger, Johannes Itten, invited to join them in 1920 and the first offered to take over classes bookbinding.
As Weber explains, the Swiss Klee took the group the spirit of surrealism as the third member of that deals with the author, the aristocratic and elegant Wassily Kandinsky, provided "the Russian soul" ; its "uncompromising attitude toward life and art , his faith in the invincibility of the human spirit came with him from Russia .
In the part devoted to Mies van der Rohe, the third and final director of the Bauhaus (1930-1933), after the somewhat disastrous stage of Marxist Hannes Meyer, ending with the defection of several members, Weber emphasizes the differences of character with Gropius, Mies had been like years ago disciple of the famous architect Peter Behrens in Berlin .
Mies van der Rohe was self-conscious about his humble origins , in contrast to the style of life, thanks to his wealthy family, took Gropius from his youth, and Berlin had already emerged between the two tensions.
Mies eventually married, however, a rich woman, and created a new identity and added the aristocratic "van der" to his surname, he began to dress impeccably, but above all he became one of the most influential architects of century.
Meanwhile, Josef and Anni Albers, the main sources of information the author, embody the fate of many members of the Bauhaus, that after the seizure of power by the Nazis left the U.S., where he worked at several universities and where one them, the Hungarian Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, founded even a New Bauhaus. While
are all that are not all they are, 'The Bauhaus Group 'is a book entertaining and full of information and anecdotes to help better understand the movement that emerged to reconcile the beauty, simplicity and value to industrial production.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Brampton Pocket Bike Shops
Exercise 19 .- Design of four Isologo or (logo symbol)
Isologo (or logo symbol): is the text and icon cast, can not be separated. The text is in the image or the image within the text.
1 .- Make the graphic design of at least 3 Isologo choosing among the following words FLAMMABLE, COLORS, METROPOLIS, FLUID, WATER EARTH, BREAKFAST, ABSURD, IMAGINATION, SADNESS, CRIME, Birth, RAIN.
The image must influence and lead the meaning of the word.
You have to integrate image and text in different ways:
a. - Converting text into an image, (imagine that all the letters a word FLAMMABLE are burning)
b. - Combine text with image (eg burgerking), there is an image that is fully integrated with the text. (The word breakfast can be a piece of bread in which we spread butter)
c. - replacing one letter by an image so that the text remains readable.
The final papers will present them in a rigid format, together with A5 sketches, color enhancements and testing each of the works.
1 .- Make the graphic design of at least 3 Isologo choosing among the following words FLAMMABLE, COLORS, METROPOLIS, FLUID, WATER EARTH, BREAKFAST, ABSURD, IMAGINATION, SADNESS, CRIME, Birth, RAIN.
The image must influence and lead the meaning of the word.
You have to integrate image and text in different ways:
a. - Converting text into an image, (imagine that all the letters a word FLAMMABLE are burning)

b. - Combine text with image (eg burgerking), there is an image that is fully integrated with the text. (The word breakfast can be a piece of bread in which we spread butter)
c. - replacing one letter by an image so that the text remains readable.
The final papers will present them in a rigid format, together with A5 sketches, color enhancements and testing each of the works.
be evaluated:
A maximum of 4 points .- The evolutionary process of design: Inclusion of preliminary sketches, selecting them, color tests, improvement and transformation in the final design.
A maximum of 3 points .- The technique of the design process.
A maximum of 3 points .- The originality, artistic quality of the proposal.
Lucis Art Damaged Error
difference between a logo, an isotype, a imagotype, a brand ...
Brand comes from the Latin brand, is that trait, trace or graphics, which is assumed to be unique sign that distinguishes one thing from another.
There is usually a total confusion between these terms because they bear many similarities and their differences are subtle.
In fact, the Internet, usually to refer to a brand , we use the term " logo or" logo " , when in fact, as discussed below, is poorly expressed.
ourselves, we speak of "Designing logos" , not because we do not know its proper use, but it is the common way, users are accustomed to searching the Internet , and otherwise be difficult to reach boaters website through search engines and quickly recognized our services.
to "liberate us from our sin," then we will try to clarify these terms.
If you search the internet these terms, you find that there is disparity of definitions and it is difficult to find their true meaning.
We do not say we have the last word, but simply, we will try to clarify and define each of these terms with our best intentions, having investigated, verified and strengthening each of the following definitions:
According to the RAE:
- Brand: Signal made in a person, animal or thing, to distinguish it from another, or denote quality or membership.
- Brand: badge or sign that the manufacturer makes the products of their industry, and the use of which belongs exclusively.
- Trademark: Brand or trade, registered in the relevant register, enjoy legal protection.
The brand also is traditionally defined as the set of graphic elements (logo, isotype, etc.) Defining an enterprise, institution or product.
is important to understand the difference: can change the brand logo or icon, but The logo or icon can not switch brands. Therefore the mark is above the graphic representation (drawing, color, typography), but good brands are those that have remained virtually untouched since its birth.
Branding / Corporate Image: The
brand or corporate image refers to how one perceives a company or product. Creating a corporate image is an exercise in perception management. His interpretation is subjective to each person.
In other words, it refers to mental associations that people may have about a brand. Therefore, the brand come into play many factors, not just the mark itself, but the entire design and corporate identity that accompany the brand, advertising and marketing activities, quality of product, service or value he represents the potential costs and a host of interconnected factors and an almost unconscious, form a mental image in each of us about every brand we know.
Corporate Identity / Visual Identity
The corporate identity and visual identity (IVC ) es la manifestación física de la marca.
En general incluye la marca, normas gráficas y una grupo de líneas maestras que se recogen en el Manual Corporativo.
En el Manual Corporativo se establece de forma detallada cómo debe aplicarse la identidad corporativa;
- Identificación de colores corporativos. Normalmente colores Pantone.
- Tipografías corporativas.
- Organización visual de páginas y otros métodos para mantener la continuidad visual.
- Reconocimiento de marca a través de todas las physical manifestations of the same.
most common applications are:
Corporate Stationery:
- Cards (visit) for different uses letterhead, envelopes, letterhead, corporate folder, invoices, budgets, tax stamps, etc. Elements
multimedia / computer
- Website, email format, interactive, enterprise software, etc..
Clothing and Apparel
- shirts, uniforms, etc..
Corporate vehicles
- Cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc..
logo / Logo
The meaning of logo or logo (short for logotype) is usually distorted and are often confused with the meaning of brand, or imagotype isologo (we'll explain later).
In fact, design is the terminology that is commonly accepted wrongly, as on the Internet, most commonly people often seek (and find) where you want to design your brand or visual identity is "logo design" or logo design ".
So much so that, as explained earlier in this article, TenTuLogo and other online design firms we have to show and position in the search engines "logo design" or "logo design" as but otherwise, it would be much harder to connect with our potential customers.
After this clarification, let the real meaning of the logo:
comes from the Greek logos which means "word " and typos: "stroke, stroke mark, sign, picture or writing in the form of imprinting" . Type can also mean " Parts Used in the printers that represent the character of a language."
By definition according to the RAE , "is distinctive logo made up of letters, abbreviations, etc.., peculiar for a company celebration, brand or product. "
That is, a brand is the verbal representation of a word or words by typographical signs. not concern either the icon or the icon, just the words, typefaces.
Isotype / Symbol
refers to the part, or more generally recognizable iconic, spatial layout design mark whether corporate, institutional or personal. Etymologically
, Iso comes from Greek and means as . An icon or an image of something that is removed from reality, is to visually represent this reality, try to find an "equal" in a synthesized form or graphic. Therefore, Iso icon comes to mean and / or image.
In the business world and corporate , isotype or symbol is to refer to the image or synthesis that attempts to visually values, personality, character and principles of the company. That is why, to do a good Isotype is an art and requires a thorough analysis of the enterprise, creativity and synthesis, so that with minimal elements, to achieve the "Iso" company, ie the "same" company visually.
Nike icon would be a perfect example of isotype , where a single stroke it manages to convey many concepts associated with the brand, such as movement, energy, strength ...
isotype Synonyms: Icon, Symbol.
could make the following classification of Antibodies and Symbols: Monogram
- Anagrama
- Acronym
- Initial
- Sign Pictogram
etymology from the Greek monkeys, prefix which means "unique" or "one only" and the Greek gramma , "letter" or "writing" .
According to RAE: "This figure is used as shorthand labels and brands."
In this case, the word "value" obviously does not refer to a number, but as it also defines the SAR: "Binding of two or more letters, usually the initials of names, which is used as shorthand labels, brands, etc.."
words corresponds to a variant of the logo being used in an initial or initials intertwined several features of a letter with others to form a sign merged into one unit.
has two meanings that can lead to confusion:
- An anagram (Greek ana: once again, and gramma : letter) is a word or phrase that results from the transposition of letters of another word or phrase. For example: ROMA - AMOR - OMAR - MORA - BRANCH
- also refers to a symbol or emblem , especially consisting of letters, so which bears some similarity with the monogram.
Although technically, the logo design as part of a trademark used letters or syllables of the name the entity that represents as "logo" . Ie based on these letters create a new word is read as such. Not to be confused with the acronym , which are explained in the following term.
anagram contractions commonly used to facilitate the designation when it is too long or difficult to implement graphically, such IMPEX could be an anagram of Import and Export.
Acronym comes from Latin
acronym or abbreviation means figure.
According to RAE: word formed by the set of initial letters of a complex expression, p. eg., O (rganization of) N (ation) U (nited) - O (UBJECT) V (Ollanta) N (o) I (IDENTIFY) - Í (Index) P (tough to) C (ONSUMPTION). The acronym
unlike phonetic anagram has no articulation, ie if the anagram is created with the initials of a new word is read as such, while the acronyms are to read letter by letter.
Monogram And difference that in the case of acronyms is not intended to create a symbol merged into one unit, but the letters are individually distinct.
comes from Latin initialise, which means what belongs or is on the origin or beginning of things.
In the case of a word mark, refers to the first letter of a word or name of a person, entity or enterprise, which is used as a synthesis to quickly identify which unit question.
is a term rarely used in graphic design to define the formal element of a mark, but the firm offers a characteristic that is inherited from its very conception, it is refers to the name, surname, title or label that a person writes his own hand to lend authenticity to a particular product.
The signs can be seen as another variant of the logo, which is currently applied in products or services normally unique quality or, more often when you want to highlight the personality of a particular person is ie when goods or services "author."
From Latin pictus "painted" and - program, " letter" or "written."
According to SAR: Sign write figures or symbols.
In design is a brand designed as iconography. It is a form of writing that uses pictures or symbols of the synthesis product of objects and forms of everyday life.
Say a pictogram is to express an image synthesized a word. Pictograms were used in antiquity as a form of writing, as in the case of hieroglyphs, but now are used primarily for the production of signaling systems or as part of marks, that because of its ease to cross the barriers of spoken and written language as well as its pregnance high.
A glyph can be subdivided into two types: Pictograms
- figurative : Those looking for a recognizable representation of reality. Are easily associated forms of objects, animals, fruit, etc. Normally, if we speak of a trademark, it seeks always to find the maximum synthesis without losing the meaning, as it is shown that design "less is more" , so that these realistic representations, usually play a lot with silhouettes and outlines of objects, eliminating unnecessary detail that does not define the essence of the object. Pictograms
- Abstract: are those in which there is (at least quickly) a clear relationship with some element of reality. are abstract shapes that normally stand their feelings, through colors, shapes and compositions. In these cases the strength and cogency usually reside normally in the purity of the geometry and / or intrinsic meaning and subliminal that have certain shapes, thicknesses, lines and slopes, plus of course the aforementioned colors.
Isologo (or logo symbol) and imagotype
come to mean almost the same, as it is to fuse the words and logo isotype 2 different ways. Therefore, both words mean the interaction between the logo and the isotype, ie, when a mark consists of a symbol and keyword (s).
But there is a fundamental difference between these two terms almost equal:
- Isologo (or logo symbol): is the text and icon cast, can not be separated. The text is in the image or the image within the text.
- imagotypes: when there are two separate elements, but, commonly the icon above and below the text or icon left and right text, etc. That is quite variable in each case and just to be independent, have greater freedom to form different compositions.
As said earlier, there is a general confusion about these terms, and online design studio like ours, competing with other design studies for positioned at the top of search engines, the thing is complicated, as it creates a conflict between putting the "right thing" or what most would understand and find. Already
not only find us in search engines, but if you put "and imagotypes isologos design" instead of "logo design" , many do not think they are in the right place. Or even "visual identity" not understand much, being the expression "brand image" understand that failing this, that as he read in this article, would be wrong to say, because the brand is not designed but that is the sum of concepts that a person has in his mind about a brand, based not only the design but the advertising, marketing, quality, price, service, etc.
Ultimately, technicalities that we have tried to explain it, but in implementation, it is difficult to use them correctly, and then many do not understand you and others will be taken by a pedant, with few people will appreciate your correct use of language.
It's a shame but true, and that there is something rich and varied language, but like many other times is distorted in favor of popular, which incidentally, is also good because when all is said and done, we end up understanding, what is important:)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Fritos Cheddar Ranch Flavor Twists
Exercise 18 .- Container juice. 2 ª FINAL EVALUATION
* This exercise is performed in its entirety for two hours.
* After the first session was delivered the theoretical along with various sketches for the year will be returned to students at the beginning of the second session.
* For the second session, students will bring home the technical development at the container but in no case accept a final proposal started or finished outside of class.
* The works will be collected at the end of the second session.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Catering For 150 People At A Dinner
Business Plan - Outline / Budget revenues and expenditures
Budget Sales Sales
. At this point, the price of the product / service plays a key role because it is a determinant of turnover, so it should be explained briefly how he has defined. The plan must show estimates sales for a period of at least one year. It is important to explain how to evolve the sales of the product / service over time and why (regular sale, seasonal or occasional).
need to know the income and expenses of our future business. For this I have to do some estimates, the price of my products and the amount of products I sell. This is why the revenue side. On the expenditure side is easier. We have determined the quantities to sell and therefore produce.
is very rare that a business has only one product or service you sell. Therefore, when making an estimate of the revenue we group them by category or by product line. That is, when we have many products in the business we can group them by "families" and work with sales averages.
In every business there is a "star" product. It is the best selling and most bring to the business. Many times it can be justified only work with certain products and the "star" product. If you do not create many distortions, can eliminate some products from the analysis.
In every business there is a "star" product. It is the best selling and most bring to the business. Many times it can be justified only work with certain products and the "star" product. If you do not create many distortions, can eliminate some products from the analysis.
Revenue Budget
To find the total revenue we must first determine the price of our (s) product (s). Prices may be determined by competition. If not, please justify how you set the price.
to fix the price of my flagship product must:
to fix the price of my flagship product must:
- Calculate the cost of production. Find
- competitive prices.
- determine to whom they sell the product.
- Determine how much I want to win.
If the prices of our products are multiplied by the amount we expect to sell, will the revenues from our production:
Thus, we can make a new picture of monthly income (to follow the example .) Investment Budget
Budget Physical Infrastructure Investment
Expenses can be grouped into three categories:
- pre Expenses operation, which are all those performed before starting the business, such as studies, preparation of business plan, payments to consultants, installation costs, legal expenses of incorporation of the company and other similar expenses. Here again the decision to start the company has not been taken.
- The investment expenses are which is spent on the purchase of tools, equipment, machinery, furniture, houses, and other "assets."
- The operating expenses, sales and administration, that is, all those necessary to implement the business or enterprise.
Investment Expenditures Investment Expenditures are of two kinds: investment in fixed assets and investments in working capital
Investments in Fixed Assets
Investments in fixed assets are easy to determine, since we can request an estimate of the land, buildings, machinery, equipment and tools used or new. Use the telephone directory as a source of information for questions and quotes.
Investment Expenditures Investment Expenditures are of two kinds: investment in fixed assets and investments in working capital
Investments in Fixed Assets
Investments in fixed assets are easy to determine, since we can request an estimate of the land, buildings, machinery, equipment and tools used or new. Use the telephone directory as a source of information for questions and quotes.
Determination of Working Capital
Working capital is the additional financial resources other than the initial investment required to start the company.
Working Capital consists of the costs to be incurred during the first months of operation of the business. Every business must have sufficient liquidity to cover these expenses until you can solve them with revenue generated by sales. Ie we must have a working capital that allows us to have our first revenue.
Your initial costs may include staff salaries, rent, advertising, monthly phone bills, utilities, insurance, interest payments, loan amortization, professional fees and other advisors. It also includes purchases of supplies and raw materials to produce products.
The calculation of how much we need to do is the working capital they need is a function of which require funding ttiieempo my production. If sales are cash can then be short periods. It also depends on the aaccttiivviidaad. It is not like finance a growing bakery rice. The first funding needs less time than the latter.
To estimate your down payment operations, we must calculate how long it will afford the expenses with the revenues generated by sales. Usually this takes the first three months for a trading business. In the case of services may be the longest time, and for further crops and industries. We have enough initial capital to pay operating costs during this period. Otherwise it is very dangerous. We will run out of fuel.
Your initial costs may include staff salaries, rent, advertising, monthly phone bills, utilities, insurance, interest payments, loan amortization, professional fees and other advisors. It also includes purchases of supplies and raw materials to produce products.
The calculation of how much we need to do is the working capital they need is a function of which require funding ttiieempo my production. If sales are cash can then be short periods. It also depends on the aaccttiivviidaad. It is not like finance a growing bakery rice. The first funding needs less time than the latter.
To estimate your down payment operations, we must calculate how long it will afford the expenses with the revenues generated by sales. Usually this takes the first three months for a trading business. In the case of services may be the longest time, and for further crops and industries. We have enough initial capital to pay operating costs during this period. Otherwise it is very dangerous. We will run out of fuel.
Note: If necessary can only produce special tables for materials, raw materials, wages and salaries.
is, if I anticipate that sales will sustain from the fourth month, for example, I cover the first three months of production. Working capital is the sum of working capital needed for the three months (or more or less). Everything depends on the type of business you have.
is, if I anticipate that sales will sustain from the fourth month, for example, I cover the first three months of production. Working capital is the sum of working capital needed for the three months (or more or less). Everything depends on the type of business you have.
Operating Expenses Budget, Management and Sales.
The operating expenses, administration and sales are all those expenses and costs that allow us to produce goods and services. As we see in the list presented as a model we can group as follows:
Now we project the costs of administration and sales for several periods (weeks, months, quarters, and so on. In our example, months)
Equilibrium Point Determination. Breakeven
is the amount of products / services to be sold for the company did not earn or lose money, is another worthwhile data to include in the plan, and to visualize the boundary between the area and the area loss of earnings.
To determine the balance point should be Consider the following:
First, make a list of equipment, tools, materials, sales costs, expenses
administration, salaries and wages, taxes, interest, supplies and all costs, expenses and investments necessary for the preparation or implementation of what you intend to produce and sell . What you need to produce and begin operating the business or enterprise.
not forget any of them for more small.
administration, salaries and wages, taxes, interest, supplies and all costs, expenses and investments necessary for the preparation or implementation of what you intend to produce and sell . What you need to produce and begin operating the business or enterprise.
not forget any of them for more small.
Fixed Costs are those that remain invar regardless of the level of production and you must separate your sales. The determination of fixed costs is essential for analyzing the economic viability of your project.
The determination of the fixed costs will also be required for the calculation of the impasse.
For example, local rents, insurance, administrative expenses, payment of municipal taxes, payment of interest on a debt, maintenance of offices, a rate of payment water and electricity, depreciation, salaries of permanent staff, among others.
If you produce 20 to 100 shirts, pay the guard the company will be the same. The watchman's salary is fixed because it does not vary with production shirts.
Variable costs are those which vary depending on the volume of activity, increase with increasing the volume of activity and are less at the time that it decreases.
The main variable costs are: labor force employed in the production of goods or services directly, direct materials, containers, packaging, labels, sales commissions, travel expenses, among others.
The main variable costs are: labor force employed in the production of goods or services directly, direct materials, containers, packaging, labels, sales commissions, travel expenses, among others.
For example the cost and the amount of fabric not be the same if you produce 20 or if you produce 100 shirts. A more shirts need more material and therefore the cost varies with output.
unit variable costs are the costs of producing one unit of product. For example, if your business is producing sandwiches unit variable costs are:
unit variable costs are the costs of producing one unit of product. For example, if your business is producing sandwiches unit variable costs are:
unit cost of bread.
sausage unit cost. Cost
seasoning unit (what you use mustard, ketchup and others in a single sandwiches).
Cost of deliveries per napkin sandwiches.
And so, all costs relating to the unit produced and vary with production.
Now, to see if we are winning we must determine the balance point.
sausage unit cost. Cost
seasoning unit (what you use mustard, ketchup and others in a single sandwiches).
Cost of deliveries per napkin sandwiches.
And so, all costs relating to the unit produced and vary with production.
Now, to see if we are winning we must determine the balance point.
For this I set the price of my product star.
P: Price of the property.
Q: Quantities produced from the well.
Sm: price equilibrium.
Qeq Amount point balance.
I: Income
TC: Total costs.
CVU: Variable costs per unit. CF
Fixed Cost.
The explanation is as follows. In the axes represent sales in domestic and the other axis
quantities. As fixed costs are "fixed" the curve represents must be a line parallel to the y-axis. The revenue and cost curves are variables that vary with the units sold and produced. The total cost curve is the sum unit variable costs and fixed costs.
With the graph can develop various scenarios: What happens to the equilibrium point if total fixed costs decrease? How shifts the revenue if the product price decreases ? How shifts the variable cost per unit if they increase ?
P: Price of the property.
Q: Quantities produced from the well.
Sm: price equilibrium.
Qeq Amount point balance.
I: Income
TC: Total costs.
CVU: Variable costs per unit. CF
Fixed Cost.
The explanation is as follows. In the axes represent sales in domestic and the other axis
quantities. As fixed costs are "fixed" the curve represents must be a line parallel to the y-axis. The revenue and cost curves are variables that vary with the units sold and produced. The total cost curve is the sum unit variable costs and fixed costs.
With the graph can develop various scenarios: What happens to the equilibrium point if total fixed costs decrease? How shifts the revenue if the product price decreases ? How shifts the variable cost per unit if they increase ?
Remember The sum of variable costs and fixed costs results in total costs.
- Course: Business Plans
Training Center Entrepreneur
- A Guide to Developing a Business Plan Business Activity Guides
Thursday, March 17, 2011
English Sub En Streaming
Eduardo Recife & Misprint Type
Eduardo Recife is a curious multidisciplinary artist, illustrator, typographer and graphic designer born in Belo Horizonte (Brazil). It is known for his series of typographic style "grunge" graffiti-inspired street, but also makes collages where he mixes original drawings, clippings and fonts of your creation. After meeting a group of graffiti artists who used their own sources, are encouraged to create their own version of digital typography: Type misprint. Of his work I like especially that peculiar fusion of aesthetics the streets with pictures Weird retro with their typefaces. Button shows left as some of the work I've seen in your web .
As some time had not posted anything in my Imaginary Museum island, takes up the idea that one day -at the beginning of this island in the blogosphere, I decided to create a space as an imaginary virtual museum full of small moments of art, music and special creations, both known and unknown, those who say, give or transmit sensations or special moments of beauty or pleasure. This is one of them .
Eduardo Recife is a curious multidisciplinary artist, illustrator, typographer and graphic designer born in Belo Horizonte (Brazil). It is known for his series of typographic style "grunge" graffiti-inspired street, but also makes collages where he mixes original drawings, clippings and fonts of your creation. After meeting a group of graffiti artists who used their own sources, are encouraged to create their own version of digital typography: Type misprint. Of his work I like especially that peculiar fusion of aesthetics the streets with pictures Weird retro with their typefaces. Button shows left as some of the work I've seen in your web .
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Mysore Maligae Chethana Prithvi
Business Plan - Outline / Description of the production process and justification for the location.
In the previous sections of your business plan, the employer may have convinced the reader that the product or service is superior to competition and that there are enough customers willing to buy at a price fair. But investors know that if the employer does not have the adequate infrastructure in a convenient location and if you have an efficient system of production and distribution, it is difficult for business to be sustainable, despite the benefits of the product or service.
If your company is engaged in the production , you should describe your business plan, what are the steps required for processing, which processes should be followed and what characteristics should the product their proper marketing. This requires that you have extensive knowledge about the product and total mastery of the manufacturing process.
For cases of productive activities must also develop the following considerations
- Technology to use. The technology to use should always be based on the market and plans to meet growth and expansion of the company. You may find many types of technology, so that by stage of project development and as the market that we serve is able to work with intermediate technologies and more or less advanced.
- Other issues to consider are those related to productivity and product quality. These issues are very important in our days and what better way to be included from the preparation the project. To plan the quality policy of your company, you should ask yourself the following goals:
- improving performance, coordination and productivity
- Establish objectives pursued
- Achieving and maintaining product quality to meet the underlying needs and explicit customer.
- establish indicators to assess compliance with the quality sought. (For ex.) Control of the characteristics of the product or customer satisfaction rating
- Finally, an increasingly important issue to consider in this chapter are the environmental aspects.
If your company is specialized in services, should consider the development stages of each of them, the resources available to perform them, the staff recruited for their achievement, working hours that must be used, etc..
Outsourcing services shall be indicated in the business plan, indicating which parts of the production process are the subcontractors or what service you are requesting to other companies.
Key points:
For companies Production:
For companies Production:
- Singular elements to produce
- Value individualized process, from procurement of raw materials to product output market
- Parties process that engages
- production schedule that includes annual planning
- maximum production capacity with available resources
- Product rating ( raw material cost, labor cost )
- Volume production diary
- needs (water, electricity ,...)
- Characterization of means and equipment
- Work organization: spatial distribution
- description of available services, and phases of the process, defining the profile required for the task
- Schedule services
- Parties of the process subcontracts
- Maximum services with available resources
- Defining human and material resources
- individual rating of the service ( Material resources, HR )
process of producing the good or service
The production process is the set of measures to build, create or produce a good or service in a given period. A production process involves a series of operations, technical resources as tools and machinery and staff who possess the necessary skills to achieve its aims.
To establish a production process is necessary: \u200b\u200b
The production process is the set of measures to build, create or produce a good or service in a given period. A production process involves a series of operations, technical resources as tools and machinery and staff who possess the necessary skills to achieve its aims.
To establish a production process is necessary: \u200b\u200b
- EBITDA define the good or service. The flowchart is a graphical representation of the production process of a good or service. The flowchart is a simple and clear to inform workers of the processes and allows to see the bottlenecks that may have the process, helping to establish the required improvements.
- Set standards quality. quality indicators are needed to measure the problems that might arise during production and how best to overcome them. As already explained, a quality indicator is concerned mainly with the satisfaction that can reach a customer buying a product or service, ie to work as expected ... and better. This is what marketers call: to exceed customer expectations. These indicators are based on performance criteria, evaluation, efficiency, effectiveness and management.
- Identify the critical factors in meeting the standards DECAL. critical factors in the process production are:
- The human resource management: recruitment, selection, training, retention and development. Enterprises need to have a trained and skilled personnel to properly perform its tasks.
- inventory management of raw materials, finished products or semifinished products. It requires having the necessary inputs to meet the business plan and deal with any contingency. Also required to respond to changes or variations in demand.
- The life cycle of products. Given the constant changes that occur in the environment, the evolution of technology and globalization, the life cycle of products is getting shorter, so that companies must always look ahead to changes in its permanent mission meet customer needs.
- technology. is a key success factor in business, because it depends: a) optimizing the production process, b) improvements, c) the efficient use of resources d) the prompt response to changing environment. Proper use of technology allows the reduction of total costs, and creates a competitive advantage for the company. This means not only the adequacy of the instruments, tools and knowledge, but ongoing training and adaptation to environmental changes.
Justification for the proposed location.
The issue of location for service companies is not determinative in many cases, except in services that include customer care. However, in where the location is important, it must be premised on minimizing installation costs and leverage resources from the environment to meet business demands. . In any case, we must be careful to satisfactorily answer the following questions :
- proximity to customers, if the local market.
- The proximity to suppliers of materials and supplies.
- The convenience of being so close to the competition and not be able to differentiate our product or service, or being around it for evidence of differentiation of our product or service.
- Ease of access for customers and employees.
- Proximity to relevant agencies and institutions for the company: city, banks, among others.
- The ease of access to services: water supply, garbage collection, surveillance and security, parking, etc. The possibilities of subcontracting parts of their operations that are not strictly their specialty, may be of primary importance. For example, for fresh agricultural products and semi will require cooling systems, technical assistance and other services contracted.
- The availability of adequate manpower.
- legal framework in the selected area.
- fiscal support, economic, educational or counseling that exist in the area to promote investment, as in the case of industrial parks.
- Provision of infrastructures, equipment and possible outsourcing of activity.
- Increased costs due to displacement.
- labor cost
business activities are highly dependent on location. location is quite a lot in these cases. Be careful to correctly locate business.
production companies for the issue to resolve is as follows: I place the plant where the market or in the location of inputs and other services for the production ? Do not continue without giving an answer to this question than meets .
production companies for the issue to resolve is as follows: I place the plant where the market or in the location of inputs and other services for the production ? Do not continue without giving an answer to this question than meets .
Be proactive, future needs related to space and location for business growth and diversification. If you are able to enumerate and clarify the reasons for setting foot in one point or another, have the advantages and disadvantages of the election.
space requirements and business characteristics define the election as council visit or see other companies "like" going to give you ideas for improvement and above all allow you to have references.
design and layout of facilities
The facility layout is about the appropriateness and order of each one of the production process, ie how to physically plant order , office or workshop, so that the work is carried out efficiently. A good distribution helps minimize the costs of handling and transportation of supplies and materials, storage of information flows and the process of entry and exit of products and create a harmonious and friendly environment where you can perform staff.
The facility layout is about the appropriateness and order of each one of the production process, ie how to physically plant order , office or workshop, so that the work is carried out efficiently. A good distribution helps minimize the costs of handling and transportation of supplies and materials, storage of information flows and the process of entry and exit of products and create a harmonious and friendly environment where you can perform staff.
For good plant layout should consider the following:
- Order and Supervision: efficiently order the production area for the activities flow freely and integrate all the elements to keep control over the production process.
- Production times: use schedules and work plans for the production is performed on time.
- Circulation: the production area must be free movement of both people or materials, in this way does not interrupt the production flow. Therefore, is important to know where is located the machinery, equipment and tools
- Safety and Health, the area where it occurs should be pleasant, comfortable and safe , to have an environment where all employees feel comfortable and insurance, ie a place where there are no accidents. The provision of machinery and equipment must be adequate. You must specify safety and protection. For example, a MyPE dedicated to manufacture wooden furniture, must have specific areas for their machines, so that does not generate danger to their workers also insist that their workers permanently meet safety standards minimum and wear masks to guard their airway sawdust, wear gloves to protect sharp tools or chemicals that burn skin and wear glasses to protect your eyes from chips and sawdust. Do not neglect these aspects, as some diseases occur when workers are exposed to chemicals and tools that are dangerous .
- Flexibility: make the production area to adapt to changes, either because must be increased or personal machines, or because you have to repairs.
- fixed distribution facilities. The production area is designed so that the area where materials are located is set in one place. The posts are positioned near the area where materials are located. This distribution is given, for example, in building houses, bridges and tunnels.
- distribution facilities according to the processes. Distribution is on the basis of the specialization of labor, that is, workers are grouped to be devoted to the same function in the same area. This model is used when multiple products are manufactured in small volumes and when you have multiple types of customers. Companies that use a process layout are usually: garment companies, maintenance shops, carpentry shops.
- distribution facilities according to the product. is best when it comes to production processes linear and uncomplicated. Machines and equipment are located next to the other according to the sequence or order to continue the process. It is recommended when mass production and produces large amounts, for example, bottled soft drinks, canned preserves, packaged cookies, auto assembly.
Sources - Business Plan
tool to assess the viability of a business
Karen Weinberger Villarán
- Guide for Preparation a business plan
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