AMDEPANDO Earthquakes
National Coordinator
of Parents and Guardians
of Chile
We call on the MINEDUC, the holder, both public and private, has to convene urgently to members School Safety Committee, all this under the new SCHOOL SAFETY PLAN, launched in 2001, which replaces the old plan Deys, whose Ministry of Education and those responsible are ONEMI.
According to information based on several consultations and would not be operating in schools, so this call is for those who do are made, to attend urgently to their schools, as region was affected by the earthquake, this call that we, as National Coordinator, we do it with absolute conviction, that they did MINEDUC and ONEMI have constituted the committee, which, its main task is to diagnose the structural conditions that involve, glasses, scales, venues and all agencies of the establishment, then, the state report found these educational establishments and to determine whether uninsured, to be occupied, we believe, and because, on several occasions claim that constitution of this important SCHOOL SAFETY COMMITTEE, with MINEDUC is that they are operating, if not, we hope and we offer schools to carry out the inspection of establishments.
expect a warm welcome to this call, the authority first, then, our Guardians, Mothers and Fathers, any consultation, the media described below or alternatively, if the committees are not working, we ask and demand the convening of the school boards.
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