Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tampon Inserting Clip

- Basic features

written document:
The seriousness and commitment that represents a business plan, justify it in writing so that it corresponds to a formal document containing ideas developed, well tested, to be carried into action and then must be assessed and to readjust to changing conditions.
Besides being a means of communication, is the guide or road map to follow, taken on some of the most important decisions. This "map" helps you understand where you are, where you want to go and how to get the desired destination.
is important that the Business Plan is fully developed, discussed, known and approved prior to entering into execution.

generally prepared for the calendar year or the fiscal year, depending on the type of business or the time required. You can develop business plans for periods longer than one year, depending on the objective sought, such as starting a new business operations, product launches or changes in production that requires long-term external financing, in this case the effect will be for the term of financing. Regardless its term, shall be subject to periodic evaluation and adjustment based on the results and changes in the environment.

The Business Plan is made generally for the entire organization, unless the company have clearly defined functional areas such as responsibility centers.
Also in some cases are made for the whole company, but with emphasis on the justification of funding, transformation of production processes, implementing a new marketing strategy, launching new products, opening of branches, etc.

His proposals must respond to rational processes, backed up with rational information validated, feasible to implement and their results or conclusions should correspond with the objectives, goals and strategy should be each and every one of its parts coherent, balanced and harmonious. Requires continuous observation and / or collection of facts and data, and the obligation to analyze objectively and honestly, including the relevant details about the activities in the company.

Since its conception, development, analysis, approval, implementation, assessment and adaptation, is a progressive and uniform process, each step follows logically from the previous. Thus each has a logical order of precedence, eg diagnosis, FODA8 analysis, objectives, action plans, budgets.

The involvement of employees working in the company, for his extensive knowledge on the problems and needs of the company, represent an important source of information and involvement strengthens the motivation for cooperation, making the business plan in a realistic document, because some data are generated in the same company and the environment, which are subjected to an analysis truthful, honest, objective and professional, executable actions arising in the particular environment of the company. In other words is not a theoretical document for display or archiving.

Action oriented:
For each of the objectives or expected results should be established and actions to achieve the same time, these actions should be specific, clear, precise and enforceable in accordance with the actual capacity of the company itself and each of their functional areas.

"Like the rest of my life is going to develop in the future, I would be pretty sure what kind of future will be. So I Planes "Charles Kattering
The company's future depends on sound planning to do in this, because the results are favorable or unfavorable result of the facts, events or decisions that have occurred or failed to produce previously.

Source: The Business Plan Small Business
Alfredo A. Garcia - Murillo

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ringworm In African American Skin

Business Plan - Business Plan Types Business Plan

Types of business plans
Conventionally there are different types of Business Plans and depending on the scope of its focus or application. Below are only the types of most representative business plans, common in our environment.
- Business Plan for Going
usually up companies are increasing their business units in order to grow and become more profitable. However, an unplanned and uncontrolled growth may cause the failure of this new business unit or worse, the collapse of the entire enterprise.
Therefore, all growth must be planned ... without being bureaucratic!
The business plan for a going concern should evaluate the new business unit independently and you must spread fixed costs across the enterprise, across all business units, including the new.
is very common to find that the new business units are not given
costs or administrative security, believing that these costs are already covered by the company that is already underway.
On the other hand, the business plan for a going
must show the strengths and weaknesses of the company and may also demonstrate the ability of the business group management, but a new company is not able to do.
- Business plan for new businesses
For new businesses, developing the business plan becomes a design tool, and part of an initial idea which he is giving form and structure for implementation. It should detail both the description of the idea itself and the objectives to be achieved, strategies to be implemented and the respective action plans to achieve goals. This plan, in future, will become an input for feedback on the business helping to assess, correct and / or implemented any changes to be implemented during the development of the company.

- Business Plan for investors
The business plan should be drawn up to attract investor interest. It is therefore important that the document incorporates all the necessary information on the idea or going concern and above all relevant data to determine the financial feasibility of the business and return on investment, the investor can get to bet on the proposed idea. It should be clear, simple and contain information relevant to reliable financial assessment. Usually a business plan to potential investors, does not exceed 30 pages.

- Business Plan for Administrators
The business plan administrators must contain the detail necessary to guide the operations of the company. This plan typically contains more detail, it shows the objectives, strategies, policies, processes, programs and budgets for all functional areas of the company. While the business plan to investors does not exceed 30 pages, operating the business plan typically has a length of 50 to 100 pages depending on the complexity of the business. Whatever the structure or type of plan, it must include all information and documentation that stakeholders require to make their decisions. Since the needs are different, an alternative might be to include all the information divided into sections for each of the stakeholders read the part that interests you. To facilitate the reading may use clear titles, followed by concise summaries and finally detailed in annexes to help deepen the analysis of each section. With a business plan divided into sections, the reader can pick and stop to read what is in their best interest.

With a common core of methodological analysis, business plan may have variations according to the goals of developers.
1) The scope of the nature of business or enterprise
2) From within its scope or depth
3) According to financial sources
4) According to the business life cycle

1. Nature of Business:
  • Small Business Plans for trade and service companies
    In Business Plans for Small trading companies or services, projections financial are simple, the costs are usually related to the acquisition of goods and the owner's objective is to ensure that sales exceed acquisition costs plus operating expenses and desired profit. The relevant critical aspect lies in the forecasts for sales and support, supply chain and customer product delivery and storage systems, product handling and transportation.
    projected cash flow is easier, since the activities are fewer and control issues are minor.
  • Business Plan for Small industrial enterprises
    In Business Plans for Small industrial enterprises, including craft workshops, marketing strategy and sales projections are those that determine the strategy and production program and define the scope of the entire Business Plan, which is based on diagnostic analysis ( SWOT) technology applied in production processes and operational strategies of the company (production, administration, financing, and marketing controls), with aspects of marketing, production processes and technology, the relevant facts and supporting the Business Plan .
  • Business Plan for small development projects
    must differentiate Plans Business for projects that have a long duration or provide for its sustainable design implementation and benefits of actions that give rise, those who have a limited duration and without continuity of the activities generated or initiated. These cases are most frequent and for which the Business Plan has a short-term equal to the duration of the project, with emphasis on profits, cost control and actions aimed at achieving maximum efficiency in the execution in role in achieving the objectives. The cash flow projection is of paramount importance, since financial resources and time are limited to the execution of the Project.
2. Scope of Business Plan:
The scope and depth of the Business Plan will be depending on the magnitude and nature of the business, operational complexity, the purpose for which it is produced and the availability of resources to develop, in so that the recipient to read the document first, be confident that the goals are achievable.
By way of illustration and based on experience, are some types of business plans, classified by their size oe indicating some characteristics, which should not be considered as limiting, since the criteria are varied and business plans are flexible to the circumstances and requirements.
  • Summary: (less than 20 pages) for young companies, credit applications to small-businesses with a successful track record, etc. Is evaluated from the private perspective.
  • Standard: (20-40 pages) are generally intended to justify funding to expand production capacity, new investment projects or to introduce new product lines as well as merging with other companies selling the same or joint venture . Is evaluated from the standpoint of technical, economic, financial and environmental. Strategic
  • : protocolized systems usually have long term that are used in controlling levels of management and of little use in small businesses.
There are many other types of plans, but in general have in common the description of the production and marketing of products or services, and to quantify the funding needs and their assessment, but the systemic risks of business are which ultimately determine the degree of depth of study. In either case the Business Plan should be clear, concise and convincing.
Developing Business Plans for Small Business established in our country have been generally in order to justify the industrial restructuring of the production system to eliminate bottlenecks, the expansion of production capacity, improving technology, etc., leaving out some details, such as market research, as it is a known issue and documented in the company.

3. Business plans as funding sources. The
  • financed by leasing.
  • Funded debt (for the financial system or suppliers). The
  • financed with own resources.
4. According to the business life cycle

tool to assess the viability of a business

Friday, October 22, 2010

Read To Use Wellastrate

- Business Plan Outline Business Plan

Outline business plan
The contents of a business plan depends on the type of company you want to implement. So important is the sector of industry (Internet address biotechnology) as the level of development of the new company (joint implementation phase against startups seed or entering a new market segment). Despite the different approaches that these differences can facilitate the business plans, a number of factors in common. We propose the following model:

1. Summary and conclusions (Executive Summary)
2. Legal aspects.
3. Company Overview 3.1 Situation
3.2 Objectives
current short and long term current management
3.3 Equipment. Management objectives
3.4 Actions and current managers
3.5 Activities carried out today
4. Market considerations.
4.1 Definition of the product.
4.2 Characteristics of the consumer market (consumer profile). 4.3 Characteristics
provider market. 4.4 Market characteristics
competitor. 4.5 Characteristics
dealer market.
4.6 features external market (if any).
5. Marketing and Sales Plan.
5.1 Determination of the target market and consumer profile.
5.2. To determine the composition and characteristics of the Marketing Mix.
6. Strategic planning.
6.1 Vision and Mission "project"
6.2 Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). 6.3
Design business strategies
6.4 Source Generation Competitive Advantage
7. Description of the production process and justification for the location.
7.1 Description of the production process or service to offer.
7.3 Rationale for the proposed location.
8. Budget revenues and expenditures.

Sales 8.1 Budget Revenue Budget
8.2 8.3 Investment Budget 8.3.1 Budget
Physical Infrastructure Investment
8.3.2 Determination of Working Capital
8.4 Operating Expenses Budget, Management and Sales.
8.5 Determination of Balance Point.
9. Project Funding
10. Economic and financial evaluation of the project.
10.1 The Economic Cash Flow
10.2 The Financial Cash Flow
11 Performance Indicators.
12. Sensitivity Analysis Project.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chikan Japanese Movie

- Definitions and Objectives

The business plan is a document written in clear, precise and simple, that is the result of a planning process. This business plan serves to guide a business, because it shows from the goals to be achieved until the activities daily to be undertaken to achieve them. What this paper seeks to combine the form and content. The form refers to the structure, drafting and illustration, how much attention, how "friendly" content refers to the investment plan as proposed, the quality of the idea, financial reporting, analysis and market opportunity. ;

The business plan is an essential tool for entrepreneurs, managers and people who want to start a business. Regardless of the size of the company, this is an element necessary for the performance of this in the context of market competition.

business plan , is the most powerful tool you can use a company that starts or operates in today's global economy, as this is a document that outlines an orderly and systematic operational and financial aspects of a company. Like a road map to a traveler, the business plan to determine in advance where we want to go, where we are and how we need to reach the target.

business plan
is also a working tool, as during preparation is assessed the feasibility of the idea, seek alternatives and suggests courses of action, once completed, will guide the implementation.

business plan
together in one document all the information necessary to evaluate a business and general guidelines for starting it. Submit this plan is essential to seek funding, partners or investors, but also serves as a guide for those who are in charge of the company.
The extent and depth of a business plan depends on the requirements external financing, or the need to find partners, investors or potential buyers of the company. Like a resume is the written presentation of a person, a business plan is the early and written description of a company. The most modern theories incorporate the business plan as a basic part and even rescue its importance in the operating companies.
is a document that is written, modified and rewritten, as is getting the relevant information
make decisions on each of the elements and variables that comprise it. This is a document that presents a series of interrelated analysis ongoing feedback, which often requires going back in and repeat the process in several stages.
It is therefore important that you know to write a business plan:

  1. is not necessary to have completed the analysis stage of the business plan to continue with the next stage.
  2. There is a sequence on the development of business plan and its rate is only a reference.
  3. Each participant involved in developing the business plan should start your creativity, flexibility, knowledge and initiative.
  4. should be developed with a spiral approach, meaning that every time you make a decision somewhere in the business plan is necessary to review whether the decision requires to adjust other parts of the plan. To illustrate this point, assume that ABC is a garment exporting handmade decided to change their supplier. This change could have an effect on the cost and product quality and consequently on the price, sales volume and customer satisfaction.
The business plan can serve as a planning element of the company with two main objectives:
  1. Internal organization of the company.
  2. communication bridge between the company and third parties to obtain financial or technical support.
Business Plans are intended to demonstrate the economic and financial viability of a project. For Business Plan emphasizes market analysis.

What are the Business Plans?
Business Plans usually used to justify before the financiers, investors and promoters project, the advisability of carrying out the investment project. This important feature, however, is not the only convenience of developing a business plan awareness.
There are several advantages associated with this process, with the following key:
  • Businesses with written plans are more successful. This fact alone justifies the expense and work to make a business plan.
  • helps to clarify, focus and investigate the business without leaving "Erroneous Zones."
  • Help coordinate the various aspects of a business that are necessary for success. Lets compare
  • ideas to reality because the dynamics of force plan to consider all relevant factors of the business, without "forgetting" to none.
  • is a very useful tool to obtain the support of key business, investors, suppliers, management team.
  • is a timeline of tasks that can launch tasks according to a schedule.
  • is a business modeling tool that can work on changes when some of the factors of the business has a variation.
  • is a reference system to assess project progress and adjust the plan according to partial results.
  • is a benchmark for future planning of new projects that appear as the business evolves.
  • better understand your product or service.
  • Identify your goals and objectives.
  • Anticipate potential problems and failures.
  • where will clarify their financial resources. Having
  • parameters to measure the growth of the company and more or less meeting the objectives.
  • is a communication tool to familiarize employees, sales staff and vendors, all associated with the objectives of the company.
  • Saves money by The organization focuses on what's important.
  • detailed knowledge of the environment in which develop the activities of the company.
  • spell out the opportunities and threats in the environment, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the company.
  • Watch for changes that might pose a threat to the company and thus to anticipate every contingency that would diminish the likelihood of success of the company.
  • Publicize how to organize the resources of the company according to the objectives and vision of the entrepreneur. Attracting
  • those required for the business team and executive team.
  • assess the real potential of demand and characteristics of the target market.
  • Identify critical business variables and those that require continuous monitoring as the critical points in the process.
  • evaluate various scenarios and make a sensitivity analysis according to the factors of greatest variation, as might be the demand, the exchange rate, the price of higher-value inputs, among others.
  • Establish a plan strategic business and action plans for short and medium term for each of their functional areas. In this sense, seeks to allocate responsibilities and coordinate solutions to potential problems.
  • make decisions with timely, reliable and truthful, and not only on the basis of intuition, reducing business risk.
  • have a master budget and budgets by functional areas, to evaluate the development of the company in economic terms and provide capital requirements. Show
  • entrepreneur's entrepreneurship. Show
  • possible outcomes of the company, according to simulations to test different scenarios and strategies.
  • Knowing where financial resources originate, to which they are intended and also leads the owner to spend more time the administration and the future of the company. The vast majority of small business you do not know how the money flows, escaping from their hands the control of the company.
  • Understand, evaluate and justify proposals for financial support and / or technical assistance, and agencies to support (financial and non financial services) need to know the reality and prospects of the company. A well prepared Business Plan, although it takes time and incurring additional costs, easy access to sources of funding and other support services, with greater chances of success.
  • Provide the owner of knowledge that will lead to the conclusion on the feasibility of the business and making decisions about changes needed to be encouraged to ensure the future of the company. Changes in the operational strategies of the company, when you have a business plan is made within a planned context and not improvise, knowing beforehand the possible consequences.
  • know the Strengths and Weaknesses of the business and the opportunities and threats in such a way that facilitates the identification and definition of objectives and strategies.
  • Help discover and correct faults or issues in the business concept, helping to prevent progress with the problems until the end when there is no solution.
  • Start
  • ongoing strategic planning process, which allows the owner to have a business vision into the future, to keep abreast of developments in the operations, make sound decisions and assess its performance in terms of results comparable to those goals proposals and industry indicators. A good business plan saves money, because the focus of enforcement to the important and without neglecting the supporting details.
  • A Business Plan provides further determine and implement financial and operational strategies to meet tax obligations, municipal and social security and make use of tax shields set in tax law and benefits of health programs and training for human resources.
  • is a communication tool to familiarize employees, sales personnel, suppliers and partners with the aims and objectives of the company.
  • Continue implementation of the company with a well defined north, if the employer became disabled or died, so the company does not leave one at the expense of external forces. Yes not know where you will end anywhere.
  • The quality of decisions is higher when ideas are put on paper, in fact, contribute to the process of reasoning.
  • Finally the Business Plan document is of a commitment by the employer, something like a contract with himself, which is obliged to execute transactions under a certain strategy, pre-established terms and conditions. The written plan serves as a psychological tool to reaffirm the implicit commitment to strengthen steadily.
In short a business plan becomes a management tool for the controls, eliminating unforeseen factors, reducing risk, making investment decisions, as well provide clear goals and the feasibility of achieving them through a detailed analysis of market share, sales targets and expected results.
Preparing a business plan does not guarantee success in obtaining investment and support, but their absence ensures almost certain failure.
exercise is a difficult and painful, but essential. The planning process requires a clearer understanding of what to do and how. Although not required external support, a business plan is important to avoid mistakes and recognize hidden opportunities.
A well prepared Business Plan, therefore form the basis on which to raise a Business Idea and used to obtain the financing necessary to establish and develop a successful business.
On the other hand, the role of external financial or business plan is aimed at:
  • The search and implementation of project resources, especially financial.
  • inform potential investors, whether banks or any other person or entity, about the expected return and the return period of investment.
  • Find suppliers and customers with whom to establish trusting relationships and long term, to generate commitments among stakeholders.
  • Sell the idea to potential partners as shareholders, suppliers, customers, society as a whole.
  • In general, the essence of a business plan is to communicate to all stakeholders (interest groups) that the company:
  • has a great product or service with many customers willing to buy them.
  • has an excellent business and management team, with people skills, outstanding technical and administrative.
  • Keeps well informed customers and suppliers about the mode of operation, expected results and strategies that will achieve the stated objectives and fulfill the vision of the entrepreneur.
The depth analysis of the environment and resources of the company, the coherence, consistency and integration objectives and strategies set and honesty and seriousness in presented work, are essential to assess the possibility of setting up a business .
tool to assess the feasibility of a business.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Age Of Empires 2.0a Cd

Integrated Systems

Integrated Systems Management Occupational Health and Safety, Environment and Quality
Any failure in industrial type operation can have an impact on product quality, but also can have them in the safety and health of workers and the environment. It is also true that certain activities that increase productivity or quality may adversely affect the safety or the environment and vice versa.
Company you need to do is to look for alternatives to ensure the safety and environmental protection while increasing productivity and quality. What seems a trend found is that companies with quality management systems in place or environment, are more receptive to the systems of safety management and occupational health.
can be established, however, the following matches in the above management systems (INSHT, 1996):
  • Existence of a commitment and leadership from management, only if the direction of the organization is committed to be achieved success.
  • The management system should be immersed in a process of innovation and continuous improvement.
  • is largely based on preventive action and not the remedy. It
  • applied at all stages of the life cycle of products and at all stages of production processes.
  • system must be measurable. It will only be effective if it is able to measure and assess the situation in which we are, and where we go. In all three areas, the assessment techniques are similar, and even some identical.
  • involvement should be for all people working in an organization is unlikely to achieve success without the participation of all staff quality, environment or safety, as it is an ongoing and integrated into the whole structure of the organization.
  • Training is the primary key of all aspects that are developed in organizations.
1. Constraints of the integration process.
However, in the process of integration will be necessary to take into account a number of conditions that have different influences on the management and subject to the business organization.
In this sense we can consider the following conditions:
  • binding legislative framework regulatory and voluntary. Different quality, environment and safety. Thus, as the regulatory framework is weak although the voluntary policy is broad, while in environmental management have a comprehensive legislative and policy development under voluntary as well as the safety and health at work is also a comprehensive legislative development regulatory and voluntary low.
  • current organizational approach. As there is usually a charge, and a quality department with a comprehensive methodological development and a strong product testing activity and supervisory methods, supported by documentary structure wide. However, there are often environmentally responsible resources shared with other functions and also only in areas with high impact on the environment. The environment is geared towards advising on facilities and products, and to the monitoring of processes with environmental impact. Health safety and prevention is a service that performs Joint alien or prevention efforts, with activity focused on eliminating or minimizing risks, a more reactive than preventive and more tactical than strategic and lower levels of integration general.
  • Items condition specific business management. These can be summarized in one hand that the company is profitable results, managing resources, which are always scarce and limited the volume of business in an effective and efficient and, therefore, with the greatest possible use .

  • environment or external variables that influence the management .
    regard to external conditions or environment are:
  1. social agents that can cause a market response to address claims and changes in supply coming into the system. These social determinants operate as an informative (complaints and claims) and a sensitizing and reporting on the environment and risk prevention.
  2. Customers have a major influence on the organization and the quality conditions of purchase to accept or reject the product or service being delivered, which feeds the system substantially, while the environment and risk prevention awareness but also can influence.
2 .- Structure of an Integrated Management System.
An integrated management system could be represented by a tree structure, with a common core and three branches corresponding to the three management areas: quality, environment and occupational health and safety.
The trunk would contain the common management system specified areas, taking into account all elements, from politics to allocation of resources, etc., Through planning and control of the proceedings and ending audit and system review.
Each specific branch management in a complementary pick the particular and peculiar issues that concern them.
In general, companies with a system already in place could expand their management system to other fields, at least in the treatment documentary, just increase the existing documents, avoiding redundancies and including cross-references and relationships between different specific elements of the different systems.
In principle we could have the following generic structure for an integrated system management :
  • integrated management policy.
  • Organization.
  • Planning.
  • integrated management system.
  • training and qualification.
  • system documentation and control.
  • Implementation.
  • Evaluation and control of the integrated system.
  • System Improvement.
  • Communication.
recommended the introduction of a system according to a standard include specifications for the three integrated systems. not already know but for now there is no ISO standard on integrated systems, if there is an ISO 19011 on quality audits and environment. In any case, if you were to be an ISO standard integrated quality and environment, integration with OHSAS 18001 would be enough provided, since the latter has many similarities with ISO 14001 as shown comparative table that follows as its own technical specification OHSAS 18001 indicated.