Friday, May 6, 2011

Sour Cream And Onion Popcorn Flavouring Recipe

Consumer sanctioned professional certification fluorinated gases market and manipulate

inaccuracies in the Royal Decree 795/2010 of 16 juni or by regulating the marketing and handling fluorinated gases and equipment based on the same s, and the certification professionals who use them, it proceeds to the necessary corrections.

Article 1 of Royal Decree 759/2010, of June 16, defines the purpose and scope:

1. "This royal decree is to regulate the distribution and placing on the market of fluorinated gases, as well as handling and equipment based on their employment. It also provides procedures for certification of personnel performing certain activities, all with the order to prevent emissions into the atmosphere and comply with the provisions of European regulations.

2. shall apply to fluorinated gases and distributors of equipment and products based on them, as well as personnel to perform any of the activities under Article 3 and holders, retailers and installers and maintenance companies of the equipment mentioned in that article. "



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