Pharmacy in Andalusia
Given the refusal of ratification by the provincial assemblies agreed document between the Andalusian Council of Pharmaceutical Education and the Andalusian Health Service to work together Stability Plan Pharmacy in Andalusia, the Ministry of Health reports that:
regrets that eventually the provincial assemblies have not ratified the settlement reached After ten months of negotiations with representatives of the Andalusian Council of Pharmaceutical Colleges Andalusia to improve the quality of health provision in Andalusia and examine the pharmaceutical expenditure, considering that one in every four euros to be used in health in Andalusia are intended to cover drugs dispensed in the pharmacy.
Advance in this part of the Andalusian government's responsibility to continue to explore new working patterns to detect those areas that make more efficient health spending and represents a further step along other lines already developed and which led to the commitment other groups with the current situation, as in the case of health professionals, who have seen their wages reduced, or supplier companies are adjusting to new patterns of purchase of logistics platforms.
The document adopted by both parties and has not been ratified by the bases, involved a collaborative effort of both parties to improve the quality of provision health of the Andalusians, a required element in economic conditions for better management of resources and more efficient spending.
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