Friday, December 17, 2010

What Does Cervical Mucus Look Like?

Business Plan - Outline / Market Considerations

Market Definition
A market is one that is formed by all potential customers who share a specific need or desire that might be willing to have the ability to make an exchange to satisfy that need or desire.
This section evaluates the business opportunity to the market and competitors
potential. The employer must demonstrate that the company has a clear idea of \u200b\u200bmarket conditions and the business concept is viable and profitable to justify investment in current and future conditions.
For the market can develop surveys, we can observe the behavior of consumers and the functioning of the markets. We can also do a literature review and other sources of information about the business you want to implement. Where an employer use their own estimates, will always add explanatory notes on the methodology used to calculate the most important data. If the explanation is very extensive and requires many references to the industry, attach as an appendix. It should provide a description of size and growth potential of the market for all customers to whom it is addressed. On the other hand it is possible the views of business experts and Better yet, entrepreneurs, research reports and newspapers or magazines.
not forget that any kind of information, qualitative (opinions) or quantitative (statistics), is valuable.
The purpose of market research is to prove to investors that current and potential customers are interested in our product or service.

  • The market survey allows us to know and evaluate to what extent the new value proposition is relevant to the customer.
  • It is a fundamental tool to address the concerns of the employer.
  • describes the size and growth potential of the target market that the business will
Product Definition
Define your activity is a fundamental step to develop the business plan. You generically to describe the product that you will make in case of case of a production company. If you provide services to comment what you're offering. In any case, should define your product portfolio and differentiate core services from those that offer up to complementary fashion.
Be as specific as possible. If you extract, transform, purchase, manufacture or marketing , say in each case.
If you take a third party to some or all of the production process, also say so. You can highlight the human and material resources used and the production process that uses or will use. If you sell or distribute its products telling who will sell.
to wholesalers, retailers, end consumers. In sum, be as specific as possible. This will help you design a project more robust and accurate.
Explain the reasons why your products or services are those elected in the market and how they differ from those of their comp etidores.
If our product or service, these items would be: how much the product costs competition? In which area or segment of society is more rooted? What is or has been its strategy of penetration? What are your main virtues? What are its shortcomings?

Consumer Market Characteristics (Consumer Profile)
Discriminate between the market for individual and institutional consumers. Market segments which are intended to reach and care should also be explained.

What is the profile of potential customer?
  • How old are you?
  • What is your gender?
  • What activities?
  • socioeconomic What belongs?
  • What is your income?
  • where is located the target audience?
  • What is your lifestyle?
  • What habits do you have?
  • Is wholesaler, retailer, producer or end user?
  • What is the size of the target market?
  • What is the potential growth of this target market?
What is the behavior of my potential customers?
  • Why buy certain product or hire certain service?
  • When and under what circumstances would acquire the good or service?
  • How do you make the purchase decision?
  • Is it an impulse purchase?
What is the level of acceptance of the product or service?
  • needs are unmet?
  • What should be the characteristics of the goods or services to meet the unmet needs of potential clients?
  • "From a technical standpoint, it is possible to meet the needs of potential customers?
  • What is the willingness to purchase the target audience?
  • What would be willing to pay for the good or service?
  • What is the frequency of purchase?
  • What is the estimated demand for the next years?
  • What is the distribution system more responsive and efficient?
Provider Market Characteristics
provider market consists of all companies and individuals who offer supplies, goods and services for our production, ie to produce the good or service we expect to produce.
Often, these markets are the most complicated in the sense of the number of suppliers we can find. In this case seeks a balance between quality and price. Always seek serious and reliable suppliers.
In other cases we have the other extreme, one or very few suppliers. In either situation described is necessary to explain the functioning of the supplier.
Here it is important to know:
  • What have ties or relationships with suppliers of inputs?
  • What relationships you have with suppliers of financial resources?
  • What are your payment terms?
  • credit Do you provide short or medium term?
  • What linkages you have with the suppliers of machinery and technology?
  • What links has with the providers of human resources?
  • What links has with the providers of administrative services and accounting?
Competitor Market Characteristics
The Competency is defined by those who produce the same products or services of my project. It also consists of those who produce substitute goods in consumption is, those who seek to fulfill the same needs but with a product or service other than .. The laundry soap can be replaced by the laundry detergent. It is this competitive market which analyzes and "crumbling" benchmarking, and this is absolutely inevitable process of analysis during the development of a good business plan. Before looking at potential competitors, it is essential that the employer is very clear who is competing and who is not. Competitors
play an important role when designing the project. Should therefore be considered to competitors and also consider future competitors. Possible alliances between competitors should also be analyzed. The following questions can be very useful as a guide:
  • What are your five nearest direct competitors?
  • What are your indirect competitors?
  • What are the substitute goods or services?
  • What products and services they sell?
  • What have you learned the modus operandi of its competitors? What about advertising?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of your competition? (Be specific)
  • How do they differentiate their products and services business of providing other similar businesses?
  • What are the prices of the competition and how they compare with ours?
  • How do they compare our products with the competition?
  • How important is their participation in the industry?
  • What position are in the minds of our potential customers?
  • What strategies Marketing used to reach your customers?
  • What links they have with their suppliers?
  • What are their levels of investment in technology?
  • What are its human resources policies and how to attract talent?
  • What is your production capacity?
  • What are the sales channels and distribution networks of competitors?
  • What is the overall cost structure of each of the competitors?
  • What is the support and financial health of each of the competitors?
  • What is the degree of association of companies in the sector?
  • What is the level of performance of competitors and what guarantees compared to our products or services?
  • What is the responsiveness of competitors, compared to customer requirements: time, flexibility, production capacity?
  • Who is the market leader and what is the attribute that identifies it as such?
Remember that the best strategy to defeat "Enemy" has been, always know him well.
Dealer Market Characteristics
is necessary to know how the system of distribution of our product. How is this market. Whether to hire a company to market our products or
is preferable to do so only us.
distribution in many businesses is essential. Be careful study of the marketing systems that are used and are recommended for the type of good or service you think offer and sell.

Foreign Market Characteristics (If any)
know the demands of foreign markets are the first step in thinking about export our products.
What characteristics, quality standards and other requirements must submit products export? The most important sources of information are business associations exporters, the business offices of embassies and chambers of commerce of other countries our country.
Then we know what the legal, commercial and financial export proceed. This information may meet her burden agencies or customs agencies.
Some questions to be answered are:
  • Are there preferences? What are they and what impact they have on the business? Analyzing
  • local markets, is it worthwhile to export or import?
  • What are the total costs of international trade?
  • At what price will have to sell in the countries of destination of the exported product and at what price it will sell the product imported into the country of destination?
  • What competing products?
  • How much production is available to export or import?
  • What are the environmental conditions of the countries from where it matters and where it is exported?
  • What are the trade regulations in the country of origin?
  • What is the quality, availability and accessibility of logistics services nationally and internationally?
  • What are the cultural barriers (language, religion, beliefs), quality standards (certifications) and health (quarantine in the case of live animals)?
The following questions summarize the basics of paragraph on the market within a business plan:
  • What is / are your potential customers?
  • Why do potential customers need our product?
  • What are the size and growth potential of the target segments?
  • What are the growth engines in the market segments?
  • How do we get to our potential customers?
  • What type of competitors faced by the entrepreneur? How intense is the competition?
  • What share of the employer expects sales of various products or services and segments market?
  • In what price range is going to compete?
  • What is the image of quality that the business will have?
  • Do the competitors similar products or services? Do you have the same value?
  • Is it easy to imitate competitive business model the new company?
  • How do competitors react to the new release to market?
  • How to respond to that reaction?
  • How can potential customers realize that they need elproducto you want to place on the market? ie How do that future customers do not become a necessity felt in explicit demand for our product?
  • How to secure access to critical resources needed for the business model (expertise, human capital, etc.)?
  • What forces in the technological, political, economic and sociocultural influence the design and implementation of business model?
  • How big is the market where we intend to put our
Common Errors
  • not demonstrate a solid understanding of how your industry.
  • apparent lack of companies that form its sector.
  • Lack of knowledge of where your business takes in the whole sector. Skip
  • growth trends and statistics relevant to your industry.
  • Research.
  • Research.
  • Research.
Source: - Plan Business
tool to assess the viability of a business
Author: Karen Weinberger Villarán
- Business Plan Preparation and developed
by Guido Sanchez Yábar, commissioned by COFIDE

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Castle Blue And Yellow Rooms

Business Plan - Outline /

Whether the company is running or not, every business plan has a source and part of a motivation personal or group. Thus, the document describing the idea of business must incorporate a bit of history: how the idea, since when there is, what motivated its creation, and the most important facts have elapsed during development and EvoLucid ion.

For a going

When the business plan is done for a company that is already running, the first chapter
business plan is the description of the company. In this case, the description of the company must include brief information on each of the paragraphs shown below:
  • Company History: This paragraph seeks to answer the following questions: when the company was founded? Who founded it? What was the reason or reasons for found it? What was the turn of the company and how it has evolved to date? what products sell and to whom?
  • Industry Analysis: Here, we will seek to know: how is the sector or industry you are working entrepreneur? "The industry is growing, maturing or is decline? What economic variables, social, technological, political or legal, local, regional, national or global industry may influence positively or negatively?
  • Products and services offered: This part reindican products and services the company offers today. Must submit: what are the attributes and distinctive features of these products or services and how you keep it in time? What are the processes needed to achieve the objectives business? Are all processes are performed by workers the company? What are outsourcing?
  • Economic and financial information: case of a going concern is necessary to present the financial statements of the last two or three years, to publicize the economic and financial situation of the company in terms of liquidity, profitability, solvency and financial management.
  • business and management team: For a potential investor is essential to know who would be their "partners" to assess their skills, experiences, skills management and personal values. In general, this section will answer the following questions : Who are the shareholders of the companies (ability, experience, knowledge, attitudes, skills, networking and values)? What percentage of the total shares of each of the shareholders? What are the key business positions and what are the strategies used to attract the best talent for these positions? do you work in a team? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each team member , and business and management team as a whole?
For a new business initiative
When the business plan is developed to evaluate the possibility of a new company, it begins with the formulation of the business idea. The business idea arises generally as a result of two processes of innovation that start differently. One of them, beginning with an analysis of the environment, while the other is begins with an analysis of the strengths of entrepreneurial team members.
In the first case, the employer collects, synthesizes and analyzes information from the environment, with the desire to identify an opportunity that allows you to develop a new business. often begin their analysis with the study of a sector of the industry is clearly growing or where you can see a business opportunity in the short term.
Here are some sources of information to identify business ideas.
In this case, the employer begins its analysis by examining what happens in the environment, in order to identify unmet need. Identified the need, the employer uses its ability to innovate and create to make unmet need in a market opportunity. This process is presented in the following figure.
A third option, the entrepreneur or the team empresarialcomienza to analyze your strengths and weaknesses, what their assets or resources and in terms of raising them is a business that allows you to obtain a return on their investment, based on some personal advantage, business or circumstantial, against its closest competitors.
In short, the business model tends to answer the following questions:
  • Who the customer is and what is their profile?
  • What products, services or processes will meet their needs?
  • How to achieve profits in the company?
Certainly, these three questions will be answered as far to develop the business plan , but must be clearly presented in the executive summary and the business idea.
Only when you have made precisely the business model, you can present and sell
clearly a business plan to potential investors.
To identify or detect an opportunity market that allows a company generates, you should be prepared. To do this:
  • Watch what happens around you to discover opportunities.
  • Be optimistic, creative and innovative approach to turn a problem into a business opportunity.
  • Be ready, ie has the human, intellectual, physical and social allowed to take the opportunity and achieve business success.

Past SRL. was created in 1991 to give appropriate legal framework to the joint work already carried out its partners, RR and AA, for more than 20 years in the market for dry pasta. Initially, we have the facilities that worked the previous society (in fact), and customers were growing as they spread the benefits products and the responsibility for compliance of commitments .
In 2000, he joined a new socio-BR-who made a contribution of capital , contacts and extensive experience in business within the country and in Brazil allowed us to know in detail the development of this activity in this market. Information partners are in 5.2 .

Common Errors
  • include too much detailed information about your business.
  • provide information that could be considered as "personal opinion".
  • Appear as if he had no history or track record. Leave
  • out important business and legal specifications. Write
  • chapter in a disorganized or confusing.
  • Explain what your business is
  • explain by whom and with whom.
  • Explain how.
  • Explain where it is
  • Explain when it is
Source: - Business Plan
tool to assess the viability of a business
Author: Karen Weinberger Villarán
- Manual For A Business Plan For Lazaro Droznes

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Indentations Inner Thigh

Company Overview Business Plan - Outline /

Legal Aspects
Few projects have a special or particular treatment in legal terms. However, in some cases the legal aspects (business licenses, taxes, regulations, etc.) may be decisive to the point that makes the idea is discarded. So simple and powerful.
is why one of the first considerations that should resolved are the legal aspects related to the project. Check for "obstacles" legal type that prevent or complicate the development of the project. Request Information
in professional associations, trade magazines in the category that thinks venture in internet pages or in the offices of the ministries. There are also publications on legal, commercial and taxation that may be useful.
Source: ECMS
Entrenmiento Center for Entrepreneurs
Course: Business Plans
Prepared and developed by Guido Sanchez Yábar commissioned by COFIDE.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dragon Ball Gt Bulma Helps Vegeta

Legal Aspects of Business Plan - Outline /

The executive summary is a brief presentation the most important aspects of business plan has been developed. Its aim is to capture the attention of investors and to continue reading the rest of the document. In just two or three pages, the summary should provide an overview of all business opportunity. It is the most important section of the business plan, as is often the only read.
This part of your Business Plan, which can only be prepared at the end its preparation should be placed at the beginning of the document, ie, before the description
Business Plan, and immediately after the title page.
should also include some financial data importance, the necessary amount of external financing and exit opportunities that the project offers to investors.
The language should not be complicated so you can read faster. The presentation will be get clear and attract the attention of the reader. The aim is that investors show interest in him.
The summary provides another advantage. Synopsis of our perceptions, can be the basis for clear and concise in a brief oral presentation , for example, all key points are well treated in two minutes.

In this section we answer the following questions:
What should contain an executive summary?
The executive summary should provide specific audiences, an overview of the purpose
business plan. To do this you must answer the following questions:
• What is the name of the company?
Company name.
Type of company (EIRL, LLC, SAC, SA)
• What is the business structure?
shareholders or founders. People
key to business success.
• What type of business or sector will develop the company?
Production, trade and services.
Textile, agribusiness, jewelry, livestock, tourism, services.
For the domestic market, international.
• What are the needs that the company plans to meet?
Food, clothing, shelter, status, ego, self-fulfillment, logistics, security of supply , timeliness of delivery.
• What are the products or services the company plans to offer to meet those needs ?
Description of the product or service.
distinctive attributes of the products or services that will make market entry is
life cycle stage which is the product and industry
• Who are the customers, competitors and users of the goods or services offered?
What are its characteristics, where they are and how important they are.
• What is the business model that the company plans to develop to meet your goals?
Who, how and to what facilities would the product.
Who, how and where local service will be provided.
What activities will take place and what will be outsourced.
How will you ensure the quality of the product or service.
What intangibles (patents, copyrights, trademarks) could contribute to generate the company's competitive advantage.
think How to attract talented staff.
• What are the projected economic and financial results?
initial investment, working capital and operating expenses.
Breakeven Company.
Business Profitability: NPV and IRR.
How useful will be achieved and ensure profitability.
• "What are the reasons economic, social, technical and / or environmental make successful and sustainable business?
What are the strengths of the company that could contribute to the generation of a
competitive advantage.
• What are the positive and negative impacts of your company / product or service in society?
What factors would make the whole society to take action for or against their

Example: Past
SRL is a company dedicated to the manufacture and sale of dry pasta in Buenos Aires and has recently started marketing in other cities in the country .
The company, which had its origin in a de facto partnership, was created in 1991 and since been growing in activity and business development. Now plans to extend its business all the country and in a second phase, the Mercosur.
It has therefore studied the Argentine market, and has built a partner with extensive experience, reputation and contacts within the country and in Brazil, and has already made early trade inside the country results.
To meet projected demand resulting from market research conducted provides for the purchase of industrial equipment manufactured in the country with modern Italian technology, which allows you to make a leap in production and efficiency.
main competitive advantages of the company are
  • Working with commodities produced in the country to international prices
  • A marketing system and customer network in the City of Buenos Aires and part of Buenos Aires
  • Having qualified and experienced staff.
  • Location near production centers supply raw materials routes and polymodal
  • Career and brands in the City of Buenos Aires.
The jump is our company aims to reach the market, more geographical area beyond its current performance. This market presents a significant growth in recent years, the segment of the pasta consumed by people more resources. This sector currently caters to a large extent, imported products.
The marketing strategy was to incorporate an experienced partner, prestige and extensive experience in the target market, to facilitate entry our product in the belief that quality, price and customer service will become then success factors of our business.
To date we have an excellent opportunity to expand our business.
Major projections of production data, economic and financial are
Expected date of commissioning: 1 January 2002
Net Investment: $ 600,000
Need Funding: $ 480,000
Objective: purchase of domestic equipment
Production budget: 1 460 000Kg./año of dry pasta in the first year
Relationship total consumption: when it reaches peak production scheduled, the company will supply 1.5% of market, from the 4th year.
Net Present Value (12% discount rate): $ 230,720.26
internal rate of return: over 30%
P Unto balance of production: 1,350,000 kg. year.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Citalopram Propranolol And Zopiclone Overdose

Executive Summary Business Plan - Business Plan Basics

multiple and different uses of a Business Plan requires the availability of adequate knowledge about the forms of processing, as well as knowing beforehand the purpose and scope which will, depending on its use, nature and magnitude Company and environmental conditions.

The basis for the development of Business Plan lie in the entrepreneur's vision, defining your own business, the objectives to achieve, the results of the company's internal analysis (diagnosis) and in industry analysis.
To properly design and develop a Business Plan is necessary for the owner of the company has a strategic business vision and aimed by the response to the questions or relevant circumstances without being exhaustive, are listed below:
  • Who we are, what business we are or what kind companies we are talking about?
  • What is the key message or phrase that best describes your business?
  • What is the reason or basis and get into that business?
  • What is the history? Where
  • want to be in the next goals (five) to you?
  • What are our strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are our chances and threats?
  • do you want to start or expand the business?
  • What products or services will sell?
  • are the outstanding attributes of the products or services?
  • How to differentiate your product or service from the competition?
  • are the product applications and their connection with other products or services?
  • Who is going to sell?
  • Where will sell?
  • How is going to sell?
  • Who and where are the competition?
  • What are the factors of competition?
  • How is structured sector?
  • What is the trend in the industry, products or services you want?
  • are you doing or plan to compete?
  • How will occur?
  • What technology is needed to produce?
  • would increase the efficiency with automation?
  • are the restrictions for these activities?, Paying particular attention to the environmental variable.
  • That degree of specialization is required for human resources and their availability?
  • operational team and management do you need?
  • How will organize, direct and control tasks? Which
  • investments and how much they cost, and the financial plan necessary to achieve the goals?
  • What are the options for financing according to the nature of the company and guarantees available?
  • much money is needed and what would be the sources of financing, indicating the terms and conditions appropriate?
  • How are income and they are sufficient to cover operating costs and expenses? There
  • ability to pay the required funding?
  • What will be the development of the market, considering the size o the same growth rate, segmentation, positioning and marketing mix? What
  • are the additional implications in the legal, organizational and management of the company?
  • Make financial projections and business simulation and analysis of Balance Point. Also
should determine the mission and objectives of the company through the full knowledge of the internal aspects (strengths and weaknesses) and environment (opportunities and threats) analysis of products and services present and future and the implications thereof on the goals of the company.
To prepare the Business Plan is a diagnosis of the company, including SWOT analysis, defines the mission of the company and makes the general and specific objectives, then design and develop the strategy to follow and the actions to be executed and finally preparing the general budget details the scope warrants, including monitoring and evaluation system.
define the segment of potential consumers based on the analysis of the industry, competition and consumers today, leads us to define and decide on: characteristics that must be the product price at which they should sell, distribution channels and sales and means for communicating with customers (advertising). It also leads us to know more detail who would be direct competitors with would share the market and design ar positioning strategy.
The marketing plan is a combination of decisions about target customers, products, pricing, distribution and communication. In combination with the knowledge of competition and market size, can make decisions about the advisability of investing in costs associated with improving the product or service.
Having identified the market segment, positioning to be looking at the client and the characteristics of the product or service, is passed to the determination of production capacity in physical units in a period of time, considering the limitations in production process, such as raw materials, spare parts, skilled labor, money, level of technology, possible extensions, power supply, etc., without neglecting the needs and characteristics of physical space for the production process, in-process inventory, finished goods and the showroom and sales, if applicable.
is necessary to define the level of sales and production which the company covers the total costs, by calculating the equilibrium point as earnings levels are obtained that satisfy the desired or expected profitability. In practice
Small firms set prices based on competition (following the leader). An analysis price sensitivity would greatly help the employer to know how far he can change the prices and their impact on profits and ability to repay the financing.
The results could be that prices can not be raised, rather will have to download them (current situation of the country) and on the other hand does have limitations in capacity, therefore the decision would be taken to reduce costs, reduce processing time, increase productivity, expand capacity or a combination.
The chain is of vital importance for a small company, as is the relationship between it and the consumer and that is one aspect underserved by entrepreneurs
The decision on which distribution system to choose or take, depending on the nature of the products, production volume, geographical dispersion of customers and whether or not they with their own sales force. You must consider the compatibility of the distribution channel with the characteristics of the product, market segment and procurement processes for potential customers.
communication strategy with customers should be based on the answers to these questions:
1) What information should be conveyed to the customer?
2) It should contain the message?:
a) I NSTRUCTIONS preparation, assembly, maintenance, conservation,
b) Special Features of the Product, durability, resistance, additional applications, etc..;
c) Distinguishing features such as brand sizes, presentations, colors, flavors, etc.;
d) Identification of the company, management and distribution points (see the laws that govern the marks, labels, etc.).
3) What media should be used to convey the message? When they are exposed mostly or potential customers of the segment, often with which they are exposed, time and cost of the use of the medium. Finally
to assess for yourself the business plan developed, it should ask the following questions and get a satisfactory answer or explanation.
  • The data provided are sufficient and reliable or require more information?
  • have been identified and clearly defined problems, their implications and trends in the diagnosis performed on the company?
  • has been properly evaluated the macro environment?
  • have been thoroughly analyzed the capabilities of the company?
  • have been clearly identified opportunities and threats?
  • Have been identified and analyzed the risks and critical factors of business?
  • objectives are realistic and appropriate?
  • have been considered all possible strategies and does flow in a logical way the marketing mix from the chosen strategy?
  • are clear and consistent economic and financial data presented?
  • have a logical basis, consistent and supported the projections or assumptions in the strategy of the Business?
  • have been established benchmarks and controls for the evaluation of the execution?
  • Supports Business Plan with the attitudes, interests and opinions that prevail (Ie, corporate culture, management capacity, public image)?
  • is descriptive and analytical enough to be understandable and credible business plan and can defend?
  • Given the importance of work, might be useful to the Business Plan document the benefit of sober criticism, asking an impartial third person to play and the role of "devil's advocate" and try to find the inconsistencies, weaknesses and failure of the Plan.
Source: The Business Plan Small Business
Alfredo A. Garcia - Murillo

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tampon Inserting Clip

- Basic features

written document:
The seriousness and commitment that represents a business plan, justify it in writing so that it corresponds to a formal document containing ideas developed, well tested, to be carried into action and then must be assessed and to readjust to changing conditions.
Besides being a means of communication, is the guide or road map to follow, taken on some of the most important decisions. This "map" helps you understand where you are, where you want to go and how to get the desired destination.
is important that the Business Plan is fully developed, discussed, known and approved prior to entering into execution.

generally prepared for the calendar year or the fiscal year, depending on the type of business or the time required. You can develop business plans for periods longer than one year, depending on the objective sought, such as starting a new business operations, product launches or changes in production that requires long-term external financing, in this case the effect will be for the term of financing. Regardless its term, shall be subject to periodic evaluation and adjustment based on the results and changes in the environment.

The Business Plan is made generally for the entire organization, unless the company have clearly defined functional areas such as responsibility centers.
Also in some cases are made for the whole company, but with emphasis on the justification of funding, transformation of production processes, implementing a new marketing strategy, launching new products, opening of branches, etc.

His proposals must respond to rational processes, backed up with rational information validated, feasible to implement and their results or conclusions should correspond with the objectives, goals and strategy should be each and every one of its parts coherent, balanced and harmonious. Requires continuous observation and / or collection of facts and data, and the obligation to analyze objectively and honestly, including the relevant details about the activities in the company.

Since its conception, development, analysis, approval, implementation, assessment and adaptation, is a progressive and uniform process, each step follows logically from the previous. Thus each has a logical order of precedence, eg diagnosis, FODA8 analysis, objectives, action plans, budgets.

The involvement of employees working in the company, for his extensive knowledge on the problems and needs of the company, represent an important source of information and involvement strengthens the motivation for cooperation, making the business plan in a realistic document, because some data are generated in the same company and the environment, which are subjected to an analysis truthful, honest, objective and professional, executable actions arising in the particular environment of the company. In other words is not a theoretical document for display or archiving.

Action oriented:
For each of the objectives or expected results should be established and actions to achieve the same time, these actions should be specific, clear, precise and enforceable in accordance with the actual capacity of the company itself and each of their functional areas.

"Like the rest of my life is going to develop in the future, I would be pretty sure what kind of future will be. So I Planes "Charles Kattering
The company's future depends on sound planning to do in this, because the results are favorable or unfavorable result of the facts, events or decisions that have occurred or failed to produce previously.

Source: The Business Plan Small Business
Alfredo A. Garcia - Murillo

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ringworm In African American Skin

Business Plan - Business Plan Types Business Plan

Types of business plans
Conventionally there are different types of Business Plans and depending on the scope of its focus or application. Below are only the types of most representative business plans, common in our environment.
- Business Plan for Going
usually up companies are increasing their business units in order to grow and become more profitable. However, an unplanned and uncontrolled growth may cause the failure of this new business unit or worse, the collapse of the entire enterprise.
Therefore, all growth must be planned ... without being bureaucratic!
The business plan for a going concern should evaluate the new business unit independently and you must spread fixed costs across the enterprise, across all business units, including the new.
is very common to find that the new business units are not given
costs or administrative security, believing that these costs are already covered by the company that is already underway.
On the other hand, the business plan for a going
must show the strengths and weaknesses of the company and may also demonstrate the ability of the business group management, but a new company is not able to do.
- Business plan for new businesses
For new businesses, developing the business plan becomes a design tool, and part of an initial idea which he is giving form and structure for implementation. It should detail both the description of the idea itself and the objectives to be achieved, strategies to be implemented and the respective action plans to achieve goals. This plan, in future, will become an input for feedback on the business helping to assess, correct and / or implemented any changes to be implemented during the development of the company.

- Business Plan for investors
The business plan should be drawn up to attract investor interest. It is therefore important that the document incorporates all the necessary information on the idea or going concern and above all relevant data to determine the financial feasibility of the business and return on investment, the investor can get to bet on the proposed idea. It should be clear, simple and contain information relevant to reliable financial assessment. Usually a business plan to potential investors, does not exceed 30 pages.

- Business Plan for Administrators
The business plan administrators must contain the detail necessary to guide the operations of the company. This plan typically contains more detail, it shows the objectives, strategies, policies, processes, programs and budgets for all functional areas of the company. While the business plan to investors does not exceed 30 pages, operating the business plan typically has a length of 50 to 100 pages depending on the complexity of the business. Whatever the structure or type of plan, it must include all information and documentation that stakeholders require to make their decisions. Since the needs are different, an alternative might be to include all the information divided into sections for each of the stakeholders read the part that interests you. To facilitate the reading may use clear titles, followed by concise summaries and finally detailed in annexes to help deepen the analysis of each section. With a business plan divided into sections, the reader can pick and stop to read what is in their best interest.

With a common core of methodological analysis, business plan may have variations according to the goals of developers.
1) The scope of the nature of business or enterprise
2) From within its scope or depth
3) According to financial sources
4) According to the business life cycle

1. Nature of Business:
  • Small Business Plans for trade and service companies
    In Business Plans for Small trading companies or services, projections financial are simple, the costs are usually related to the acquisition of goods and the owner's objective is to ensure that sales exceed acquisition costs plus operating expenses and desired profit. The relevant critical aspect lies in the forecasts for sales and support, supply chain and customer product delivery and storage systems, product handling and transportation.
    projected cash flow is easier, since the activities are fewer and control issues are minor.
  • Business Plan for Small industrial enterprises
    In Business Plans for Small industrial enterprises, including craft workshops, marketing strategy and sales projections are those that determine the strategy and production program and define the scope of the entire Business Plan, which is based on diagnostic analysis ( SWOT) technology applied in production processes and operational strategies of the company (production, administration, financing, and marketing controls), with aspects of marketing, production processes and technology, the relevant facts and supporting the Business Plan .
  • Business Plan for small development projects
    must differentiate Plans Business for projects that have a long duration or provide for its sustainable design implementation and benefits of actions that give rise, those who have a limited duration and without continuity of the activities generated or initiated. These cases are most frequent and for which the Business Plan has a short-term equal to the duration of the project, with emphasis on profits, cost control and actions aimed at achieving maximum efficiency in the execution in role in achieving the objectives. The cash flow projection is of paramount importance, since financial resources and time are limited to the execution of the Project.
2. Scope of Business Plan:
The scope and depth of the Business Plan will be depending on the magnitude and nature of the business, operational complexity, the purpose for which it is produced and the availability of resources to develop, in so that the recipient to read the document first, be confident that the goals are achievable.
By way of illustration and based on experience, are some types of business plans, classified by their size oe indicating some characteristics, which should not be considered as limiting, since the criteria are varied and business plans are flexible to the circumstances and requirements.
  • Summary: (less than 20 pages) for young companies, credit applications to small-businesses with a successful track record, etc. Is evaluated from the private perspective.
  • Standard: (20-40 pages) are generally intended to justify funding to expand production capacity, new investment projects or to introduce new product lines as well as merging with other companies selling the same or joint venture . Is evaluated from the standpoint of technical, economic, financial and environmental. Strategic
  • : protocolized systems usually have long term that are used in controlling levels of management and of little use in small businesses.
There are many other types of plans, but in general have in common the description of the production and marketing of products or services, and to quantify the funding needs and their assessment, but the systemic risks of business are which ultimately determine the degree of depth of study. In either case the Business Plan should be clear, concise and convincing.
Developing Business Plans for Small Business established in our country have been generally in order to justify the industrial restructuring of the production system to eliminate bottlenecks, the expansion of production capacity, improving technology, etc., leaving out some details, such as market research, as it is a known issue and documented in the company.

3. Business plans as funding sources. The
  • financed by leasing.
  • Funded debt (for the financial system or suppliers). The
  • financed with own resources.
4. According to the business life cycle

tool to assess the viability of a business