Benchmarking Corporate Management: Towards A New Paradigm Summary
future society becomes ever more present, their longer-term trends, which can be noticed, we suggest that the current information revolution profoundly impact the economy and transform the business organization Current Business Management making new ways to take the road towards a new paradigm.
The most significant and permanent effects of society towards which we move to be seen, but I can say that the dominant factor is the rapidly increasing elderly population and the decline in the younger generation, knowledge workers be the dominant group in its workforce, electronic commerce is the most significant challenge and the impact of these and other trends of the future society, the economy will change the current organization of the institutions, giving rise to a new paradigm in Management. The new paradigm
Business Management will be based on personnel management policies totally different from today, the most important for the management of the institution will be out of it. To exist and prosper, every organization will have to become an agent of change and new technology will be the main agent for economic change.
future society becomes ever more present, their longer-term trends, which can be noticed and can be analyzed from the point of view of the paradoxical logic would indicate that the As in the two revolutions industry that preceded it, the current technological revolution profoundly impact society and as part of it, information technology, the economy will transform the current business organization making the business management to adopt new ways, on the way towards a new paradigm.
The macro trends that are seen in the future society will impact the organization or nonprofit and paradoxes that emerge from these, shows us the path that takes you to a new paradigm for the management of institutions and challenges to be faced by the executive in this new environment. Undoubtedly
the gap between nations and within nations between info-rich and the rest will deepen and forecasting of future society is a primary requirement to look for ways to shorten the distance between the two sides to make a better world is possible.
Future Society
Many of the most important and lasting effects of that move society towards more developed countries are to be seen, but I can say that the most significant trend is the rapid increase aging population and decreasing younger generation. This is a consequence of increased life expectancy of the population and a birth rate lower than the replacement, which is 2.2 births per woman of childbearing age (minimum indicator for the increasing population of a country). You can also say that its main features are:
- information as a result of new technologies for processing travel very easily, do not recognize borders.
- Upward mobility, available to all under easy to acquire formal education especially at a distance. Same
- potential for success and failure as a result of which anyone can acquire the "means of production", ie the knowledge required for the job, but not all succeed.
- organizations be they companies or nonprofit institutions need to be globally competitive
- but remain local in their activities, because thanks to Internet users will be informed that exists in the world and with that efficiency and effectiveness.
These features together become more strongly competitive people in the society of the future or KNOWLEDGE. For the individual this means that to stay competitive must continue to learn and work as long as health permits.
knowledge society.
Knowledge Society in its factor dominant "THE RAPID INCREASE OF THE POPULATION OF OLDER AND RAPID DECLINE OF THE YOUNGER GENERATION", will make the migration from poor to rich countries to increase as a balancing factor, already seen this trend in which immigrants undesirable become necessary.
The most important resource in any institution it is this knowledge and knowledge workers are the dominant population group active in the Knowledge Society. The older population will continue to work as health allows, he will temporarily or part time, work as consultants or special. Most people over 50 years working for an organization it will not be used, retaining in employment of older people will become increasingly imperative for they are the ones with the most important asset of the institution.
The growth of the older population and their continued active work in conjunction with a young population smaller than the mass market will determine what the older people, the knowledge society, a society will be people older and younger than bosses and subordinates.
On the other hand, the one-dimensional character the economic system in the info-rich countries has caused human primary issues and the need to be treated as such are not considered appropriate in these societies, this is causing the growth of nonprofit organizations that respond to this problem and therefore, the development of what is known as civil society.
These manifestations of the knowledge society it determined that the nonprofit organization is more important than the new economy.
the new economy.
The impact resulted in the development and applications technology information and communications and their actions in macroeconomics and microeconomics is known as the paradigm of a new economy, its key features are:
- E-commerce that allows the presence of the products or services in virtually any market soon .
- knowledge as a component that adds more value to the product or service.
- economic consumer culture demanding excellence in the bid.
- The speed of change in technologies that are their specific support.
The central or main challenge is represented by the Electronic Commerce that will impact all deals
products and services to separate sale because the purchase order has to be centralized, but the delivery is completely decentralized.
On the other hand eliminates the distance, the seller is in any place and order can come from anywhere else, requires a different organization from that of most business today and therefore is the main cause of the transformation of current business organization.
Company The company we know today and which emerged in the nineteenth century the employee works full time and depend entirely on it, has more power than any of its customers as the best informed products and services offered to them. In every industry there is a unique technology and vice versa and the more integrated is more efficient.
In the company of the Company's future knowledge worker is the most important asset and therefore it rather than employee must be taken into account as a partner. The number of workers who are not employed full time and continue working while health permits will increase. Electronic commerce will make the most productive way to organize is disintegrating, the technological revolution will remove the unique technologies for each type of business and the Internet allow the client has the information that makes it more powerful than the company.
As we can see the scenario in which the company was found, as we know it today in the knowledge society is totally different from yesterday, you can even claim to be paradoxical So SURVIVE the company under these new conditions imposed by the human capital, electronic commerce and information technology and communications?
the company's ability to survive in this new scenario will depend on its ability to incorporate in the shortest time possible competencies and skills directly related to change management (innovation), knowledge management (KM) and the update of its human capital a permanent training of excellence.
Innovation Innovation is fundamentally an economic issue is not technology, is a systematic discipline, organized and thorough. Requires a shift from what happened yesterday, instead of defending it. Implies that identify in a systematic way the changes that are happening outside the company (in demography, values, technology, science, etc..) And that they be taken as OPPORTUNITIES.
The current corporate management almost always has a system of information on what happens INSIDE the company and what more needs to innovate business management is knowing that this happening outside it (the extended enterprise) .
The Extended Enterprise
The Extended Enterprise aims to identify, search and gather information relevant , the use of such information in the creation of new knowledge conservation internally and externally acquired knowledge and information sharing within and outside the organization .
basic features of the Extended Enterprise provide for specialization in their roles for continuous learning of a personal vision and shared commitments; network to provide effective communication to take advantage of integration synergies, horizontal design project teams to facilitate the establishment of cooperation agreements. All this geared towards a more efficient and effective knowledge management (KM).
Knowledge Management
Knowledge differs from all other production means you can not inherit or bequeath , must be acquired again for all individuals, all have to start from scratch, I Hence a new paradigm for equality among human beings.
Knowledge management is essentially culture and is the system to interact implicit experience (experts), with the explicit (documents) and vice versa to achieve share knowledge. Knowledge and Intellectual Capital in the organization can be found as: Human Capital (individual); Capital Structure (organizational) and Relational Capital (values).
As costs of education and human health knowledge of primary services, have tripled the gap body the info-rich and the rest will grow behold a serious challenge for society of the future.
The new economy, characterized by the power of information technology and communications
the economy relies heavily on knowledge workers.
Training Of Excellence
The main capital of the new economy requires constant updating, through training of excellence, which should address the need for acquiring knowledge science and technology, to allow for greater decentralization in decision-making, management advanced into the company and the general use of technology information and communications out, so that they can constantly improve processes and incorporate new cultural and professional paradigms.
The new profiles require training aimed to ensure staff put more effort into what should be achieved rather than what to do; increased responsibility; broader view of the processes in which the entity is involved, a strong orientation control, monitoring and value formation.
the organization's ability to achieve excellent training, be decisive for it can face the new scenario in which to develop, characterized by high competitiveness in the global market.
This excellent training will be increasingly online, in virtual space, where not need the school and university buildings we know today. The courses will be broadcast thanks to television, computer and especially Internet. However, this corroborating that distance learning, using information technology and communications, emphasizes the training of personnel in both general education and in vocational training.
The Executive Director
Historically the need to pioneer the use of new technologies and the change has not been taken into account for senior executives of an organization, for example, in 1882 he convened a conference executive, on the administration, whose theme was "how have you stop afraid of the telephone." Not attended one since for executives then the phone was for subordinates.
Similar things happened with the executives in the 60's, with respect to computer use. Today
executives know they have to use that wonderful tool, which is the computer, but now most important is not the use of this powerful weapon, but What?, For what? and how often that? and again used for many executives syndrome, that these questions are for junior occurs in connection with the information.
say that the head of information is responsible for the information, is a costly mistake in Business Management, Computer Science as the director of the tool does, but executive director is the need to use .
changes caused by innovation in the organization (internal) and how to conduct the business now on (external) will give executives face the formidable task to learn to use the information. So are they, not the heads of information technology, responsible for information.
the organization's ability to invest in excellent training, be a premise for learn to use the information necessary to achieve competitiveness in the global market.
The Future Executive Director
In the future work of the Executive Director will be much more complex than any they have to know when we have to integrate financial objectives with the need strengthen and maintain a business, when to treat the employee as a partner and as a subordinate and as be important in a different way.
The executive director of the future will transform the corporate governance and the concepts and techniques associated , act as a leader and as a member of its employees make more productive worker knowle ent, create new policies on information and knowledge when change is an opportunity and the manager it. In order to exercise its leadership must meet five premises, these are: learn to
Information The information should be seen as a tool for a specific job. We must learn to use unified information systems and integrated accounting and data on what happens within the company, using information systems to tell us what is happening outside the company ; use the information to know what might happen or what could make it happen ( the change) and knowledge management.
The use of information executives have much to learn from the military command, these know that the best way to defend is to attack but to act on the enemy positions should know you can do this, For example, the strategy that the best way to win a war , by a weak country against a more powerful, is to avoid it, rests on the assumption that if the powerful blasts, must pay a high cost life and this is essentially the information that the weak must disclose to the fort.
Another example was the nuclear balance in the era of the Cold War, both fields contain the each other on the basis of parity in nuclear weapons of mass destruction that guaranteed destruction of both parties, there would victor nor vanquished in this information so the enemy could me was more important than what I could do it if he could destroy had no case to confrontation.
In the field of management today, we have within the organization systems information: Integrated Systems Management (ERP); Systems Business Intelligence (BI) and Knowledge Management (KM). Outside the organization have Systems for the Management of Customer Relationship (CRM) for Management Customer Importance (CVM) and Business Process Management (BPM).
Business Management
If important is the change in the company's future, which must be antithetical to the current, extremely important is the role for management, it will have to move to new paradigms that have note that personnel management policies will be fully different from today, the most important for the management of the institution will be out of it. To exist and prosper, every organization will have to become an agent of change and new technology will be the backbone for economic change.
The current paradigm postulates of business management are the "balance" as the standard of a healthy economy, the "monetary and fiscal policies" are the drivers of the economy and technology is an "externality."
The new principles for the paradigm shift will be: "creative destruction" which is the process by which emerging markets with new products and applications are created at the expense of old, this results in a "dynamic imbalance" that is the true pattern of modern economic activity and the "new technology" which is the principal agent for the process of creative destruction. These assumptions are antithetical to those currently existing.
Business Management in the near future and will develop in an environment characterized by the knowledge society, an economy hit by innovation, extended enterprise and managing change.
Conclusions: - known Business Management is history.
- Business Management going forward is a challenge.
- Business Management This is the gift that tells the story to meet the challenge