This section should describe in detail how it will finance the venture, ie how you get the resources needed to undertake the setting up of the project . Well, in most cases, the team work may not contribute more than one part of the total. These resources should completely cover the initial financial needs .
- initial loans: They are given by family, friends and suppliers. processes are simple and informal, with favorable conditions and very low or zero interest rates . However, the loans are usually small and not always available in the moment.
- Yudas A State: Usually the money is available, but it is essential to make a business plan and Sometimes the process is long and bureaucratic. Suitable for all phases of home, entry into markets, business development and innovation of new processes and products.
- Mortgages: are the best alternative in economic terms, property financing business and long-term investments in operating assets. are simple to calculate and conditions relatively favorable long-term, ownership of the company remains focused, interest payments tax deductible, low return rates for long periods. One disadvantage is that it is rarely possible funding for the total value of the mortgaged property.
- Leasing is the best alternative to finance machinery, equipment and vehicles. The purpose of lease must be easy to sell (can not be special machinery). The advantage of this funding are the tax advantages, as it is considered a lease or operating expense and not an investment, usually drink no bank credit lines.
- Bank loans can be useful for any type of financing. They are very flexible but require personal guarantees or warranties, which a businessperson who its activities, it will be difficult to access bank loans. However, the employer could be financed with its own card credit, but financing is a very expensive and risky .
- Venture Capital. is often used for business very innovative and high risk. To access this funding is essential presentation of a very solid business plan and business benefits will be shared with the entity that gave venture capital. Advantages: no loss of majority and is remunerated on the basis of the results business project (dividend or capital gain on the subsequent sale participation).
- Private investor (Business Angel): initial phase and start-up especially in general, conditions are better than in the capital risk. The disadvantage is that they often have less time and energy to help the management team in times of difficulty.
- Business Plan
Author: Karen Weinberger VillarĂ¡n
Competitive MSE
Author: Karen Weinberger VillarĂ¡n
Competitive MSE
- Manual Design & Development Business Plan for Micro
Medium Rural Entrepreneurs
Authors: James Harris
Agronomist, University of Chile. Planning Specialist with
improvement in Economic Policy in the Faculty of Economics
Medium Rural Entrepreneurs
Authors: James Harris
Agronomist, University of Chile. Planning Specialist with
improvement in Economic Policy in the Faculty of Economics
- Manual Preparation of a Business Plan
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