New additives and uses in food supplements.
Royal Decree 142/2002 of Feb. 1, by adopting the positive list of additives than colors and sweeteners for use in food processing, and their conditions of use, features our legal system the European Directive 95/2/EC on food additives other than colors and sweeteners. This Royal Decree has been amended several times, most recently by Royal Decree 1118/2007 of 24 August.
2010/69/UE The Directive of the European Commission of 22 October 2010, by amending the Annexes to Directive 95/2/EC, introduces changes to the regulations applicable to this matter, to include new additives and new uses of additives in food groups autorizdos.
"Food supplements "
- Sa + Ba (*) : 2,000 (only for food supplements supplied in liquid form), 1,000 (only for accessories supplied in dry form containing preparations vitamin A to the combination of vitamins A and D). In it the product ready for consumption it.
- E-310 E-312 : 400 (gallates, TBHQ, BHA and BHT separately in the combination).
- E-319 E-321 : 400 (gallates, TBHQ, BHA and BHT separately in the combination).
- E-392: 400 (expressed as the sum of acid and carnosol rosmarinlc).
* Sa: ascorbic acid / sorbate. BA: benzoic acid / benzoate.
Source: Official State Bulletin.
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