Law 2 / 2011, March 25, Quality Food and Fisheries of Andalusia.
The industrial sector agricultural and fishing is one of the most important of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, being an innovative and dynamic sector has been modernized so prominent in recent years.
The technology has improved significantly the quality standards of food products and Andalusian fishing, being the engine for socioeconomic development and establishment of population. In the fisheries sector, to gain in strength and competitiveness in production from other countries are establishing mechanisms to value the excellence of their products, enhancing the quality of fish and seafood offered for sale, and promoting their differentiation into marketing channels and to the consumers.
The development and promotion are actions strategically to inform the different segments of the consumer on product quality, while an appropriate instrument that allows operators agribusiness and fisheries , basing much of the competitiveness of their products the quality of the data, which may make them known, helping to open new markets and increasing its presence in the traditional.
The quality certification has become a necessary process for the Andalusian products can compete in markets with a highly concentrated distribution and a new Common Agricultural Policy Furthermore, in recent times, consumers require greater assurance of food quality, while demand products with different features.
The current level of quality of production of agricultural and fishing sector would not have been possible without the intervention of independent oversight bodies , whose field of activity is mainly focused on the work of inspection, testing and certification that to assess the production and management systems implemented by other operators, which enables them, in turn, ensure certain information, symbols or references in the optional labeling their products. In the field
commercial quality is a priority to enhance the framework of fair competition should exist between all levels involved in different stages of the food chain. This implies contemplate and define requirements to be met by different operators, expanding control activities to cover themselves independent oversight bodies involved in the recognition of the quality, thus providing the rest of the sector level appropriate trust on the performance of these operators, allowing them to bet on a quality production to standards, ensuring in turn for the accuracy of the information on these products and through of advertising and labeling for consumers. Traditionally
verification of compliance with these requirements by inspection at the stages of production and storage has been known as the preventing and combating fraud , remain the responsibility of competent counsel to farming and fishing.
Andalusia Autonomous Community where they recognized the first names of English origin, the origin of the current systems of certification. The rise of quality designations and certification in the agricultural and fishing sector is evident in recent years, the result of tradition and the quality achieved, there is also a large area dedicated to organic farming and integrated production, as well as a great tradition of handmade products with specific characteristics.
The task of controlling and protection of protected geographical names extends to the verification of compliance with the specifications recorded in the European Union , as laid down in Regulation (EC) no. 510/2006, the Council of 20 March 2006, and based on a system of official controls, as defined in Regulation (EC) no. 882/2004, the European Parliament and Council of 29 abril de 2004.
La presente ley tiene por objeto , en el marco de la normativa de la Unión Europea y de la normativa básica del Estado:
Source: Official Gazette of the Government of Andalusia.
The industrial sector agricultural and fishing is one of the most important of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, being an innovative and dynamic sector has been modernized so prominent in recent years.
The technology has improved significantly the quality standards of food products and Andalusian fishing, being the engine for socioeconomic development and establishment of population. In the fisheries sector, to gain in strength and competitiveness in production from other countries are establishing mechanisms to value the excellence of their products, enhancing the quality of fish and seafood offered for sale, and promoting their differentiation into marketing channels and to the consumers.
The development and promotion are actions strategically to inform the different segments of the consumer on product quality, while an appropriate instrument that allows operators agribusiness and fisheries , basing much of the competitiveness of their products the quality of the data, which may make them known, helping to open new markets and increasing its presence in the traditional.
The quality certification has become a necessary process for the Andalusian products can compete in markets with a highly concentrated distribution and a new Common Agricultural Policy Furthermore, in recent times, consumers require greater assurance of food quality, while demand products with different features.
The current level of quality of production of agricultural and fishing sector would not have been possible without the intervention of independent oversight bodies , whose field of activity is mainly focused on the work of inspection, testing and certification that to assess the production and management systems implemented by other operators, which enables them, in turn, ensure certain information, symbols or references in the optional labeling their products. In the field
commercial quality is a priority to enhance the framework of fair competition should exist between all levels involved in different stages of the food chain. This implies contemplate and define requirements to be met by different operators, expanding control activities to cover themselves independent oversight bodies involved in the recognition of the quality, thus providing the rest of the sector level appropriate trust on the performance of these operators, allowing them to bet on a quality production to standards, ensuring in turn for the accuracy of the information on these products and through of advertising and labeling for consumers. Traditionally
verification of compliance with these requirements by inspection at the stages of production and storage has been known as the preventing and combating fraud , remain the responsibility of competent counsel to farming and fishing.
Andalusia Autonomous Community where they recognized the first names of English origin, the origin of the current systems of certification. The rise of quality designations and certification in the agricultural and fishing sector is evident in recent years, the result of tradition and the quality achieved, there is also a large area dedicated to organic farming and integrated production, as well as a great tradition of handmade products with specific characteristics.
The task of controlling and protection of protected geographical names extends to the verification of compliance with the specifications recorded in the European Union , as laid down in Regulation (EC) no. 510/2006, the Council of 20 March 2006, and based on a system of official controls, as defined in Regulation (EC) no. 882/2004, the European Parliament and Council of 29 abril de 2004.
La presente ley tiene por objeto , en el marco de la normativa de la Unión Europea y de la normativa básica del Estado:
- La ordenación y control de las denominaciones de calidad de los productos agroalimentarios y pesqueros de Andalucía y de los consejos reguladores.
- El establecimiento de las normas necesarias para garantizar la calidad, el origen, en su caso, y la conformidad de los productos agroalimentarios y pesqueros con sus normas específicas de calidad, y asegurar, en este ámbito, la protección de los derechos y legítimos intereses de los agentes económicos, operadores y de las personas consumidoras finales, garantizando these complete and accurate information about food quality and fisheries products.
- The development and promotion of quality food products and fisheries.
- The establishment of obligations, in terms of quality, traders and professionals in agricultural and fishing sector.
- Regulation of the requirements applicable to the bodies of the conformity assessment, and the obligations required of Food and fisheries operators and its subsidiary entities, for demonstrating compliance of products.
- Regulation of Inspection, quality, prevention and combating fraud and the penalty system for quality and compliance of food products and fisheries.
Source: Official Gazette of the Government of Andalusia.
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