New decree of distribution, prescribing, dispensing and use of veterinary drugs in Andalusia Andalusian
Published in the Official Gazette of the Andalusian Government Decree 79/2011 of 12 April, laying down rules on the distribution, prescribing, dispensing and use of drugs for veterinary use and establishing the Register of Veterinary Drugs in Spain.
The purpose of this rule is to develop the basic state regulations on medicines and medicated feed, in the organizational aspects and in those others whose determination refers to the Comunidade regions. Notably
1 .- The terms of the distribution, supply and use of veterinary drugs and animal health products.
2 .- The conditions for approval of warehouses, wholesale distribution and dispensing facilities. 3 .- Model
standard recipe for the prescription of veterinary drugs and medicated feed. 4.-
is created logbook farming medicinal treatments.
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