Sunday, April 10, 2011

How Do They Collect Tv Ratings

Max prescription packaging presentations in unidosis: paracetamol and ibuprofen.

unidosis Medicines in pharmacies: The active involved are paracetamol and ibuprofen. Resolution
March 23, 2011 , the Department of Pharmacy and Health Products, which is authorizes the maximum number of containers prescription of drugs presentations unidosis whose outer package matches preparation primary.
Royal Decree 1718/2010 of 17 December on the prescription and dispensation orders, established in general in Section 5. Number of the letter a) of paragraph 5 of Article 5 of the prescription criteria, validity of the prescription and duration of treatment and specified in paragraph a) .5. º presentations for products authorized unidosis whose outer packaging matches its primary packaging, may prescribe a single drug and the prescription container exceptions referred to in paragraph 2. º
also determined in that paragraph 5. Number of the letter a) of paragraph 5 of Article 5 that by resolution, the General Directorate of Pharmacy and Health Products, Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality, may allow a greater number of packages per prescription for these medications.
Therefore, hearing the sectors concerned, the Directorate General has decided:
First .- To authorize the prescription, and the display and dispensing authorization of a maximum of six containers for dispensing prescription / order respectively, and according to the guidelines on dosage and duration of treatment specified due to the presentations of medicines in the packaging unidosis match their exterior packaging. Second .-
This resolution shall take effect the day following its publication in the Official Gazette. "


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